Lorien Design REB Clip point

The Hopper Show

Gold Member
Aug 13, 2013
Or is it the BRO now?

I have alot of knives, but this is the first neck knife I have ever tried out. What a kick ass little blade! Ryan was gracious enough to send one my way to test out, and I am still in awe! Thank you! I have been using it everyday since. I for one absolutely LOVE the clip point. I honestly think it would make the better all around EDC blade than the drop point (and I do love drop point blades). I was actually one of the few to vote for it in the poll. I find it to be a very useful little neck knife that is large enough to easily take care of my everyday tasks, and would also allow for a decent self defense blade. I think it is going to also do very well as a skinner. I am an avid hunter, and cannot wait to try it out on some game. So far it has only been used to open some boxes and a little bit of food prep, but this is a great all around blade design. Very stout in a little package. The Buy Brown kydex is absolutely top notch too. I have to admit two things though. One, in my environment (Pacific Northwest) I would prefer a stainless steel rather than a high carbon steel for ease of maintenance. And the second thing is the handle could be just a skosh bigger for me. But that said I have rather large paws. So I am sure it would fit the majority just fine. Other than that, I love everything about this blade and I am very grateful to Ryan for sending it to me. Lorien knows how to design one hell of a cool little knife. I've been meaning to ask, Ryan...is the sheath tek lok compatible?

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cool beans!

This knife was designed with thicker stock in mind, which would fill the hand a little more, a deep hollow grind and M390 or analog of that. The design is oriented to be a defensive tool, with women as the target market.Thanks for the nod, and I'm glad you dig it!
cool beans!

This knife was designed with thicker stock in mind, which would fill the hand a little more, a deep hollow grind and M390 or analog of that. The design is oriented to be a defensive tool, with women as the target market.Thanks for the nod, and I'm glad you dig it!

M390 would be a great steel. Or cpm s30v. I would think anything that holds an edge well and is corrosion resistant since this blade will spend alot of time next to the body. I would not want an oiled blade next to my good clothes.

I think that is great that it was designed as a defensive tool for women. Maybe I will let my wife give it a try!
my 9 year old daughter won't give mine back! She calls it 'lil wonder' :)
here's my kid using her favourite knife!
