Major Burglary - Not a Good Day at all.

Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
Been here for a long time today. Thieves broke in the jewelry store at 3AM. Tried to crow-bar the front door, but couldn't get it open. Smashed a 6' plate glass window and crawled in. Smashed the showcases, took everything they could grab in 60 seconds ... and went out the window. Got it all on video, including clear shots of their hoodies, clothes, and the logos on them. The police will be plastering it on the news tonight and probably put it in the paper ... Not that it is likely anyone from their neighborhood will call the police to identify them.
It will take days of inventory to find what is gone, and weeks to repair/replace the showcases. Window is boarded up and the glass company making a one one PDQ. Door repaired already. Took three hours to get up the broken glass. The ladies have been vacuuming for four hours since, trying to get the fine glass slivers out of the carpets. Will likely be months before we stop finding nuggets of glass in things.

Funniest thing was a fellow showed up about 11AM with a watch in his hand. He saw the police and detectives, the broken glass and window, the store looked like a tornado had hit it, people cleaning and picking jewelry up everywhere, etc. He stuck his head in the door and said, "Can you put a battery in my watch?" Everyone looked at me ( probably expecting me to tell him off) , but I said, "Yeah, I need to take a break".... and went and put a new battery in his watch while he waited outside. I handed him his watch when I was done, told him the registers weren't turned on, and to have a nice day. I think that is #144 of the 286 rules of acquisition.
Wow, what a mess. Sorry to hear this! Hopefully everything was insured.
For the most, yes. There is a high deductible for the stuff out of the safe, but the damage is covered fully. Glass is being replaced slowly. We should be pretty much back to normal by the time I leave for Ashokan.
The last of the new glass was installed yesterday. The inventory showed they took close to $10,000 in jewelry. Damages were close to that. No leads on who did it.
We upgraded the security system, and changed the closing procedures so nothing is left in the cases at night.

What is a real telling of how great our customers are is the store has been busier than ever the last two weeks. During the whole time, we have not had one single, "Is my jewelry safe?" call or question.
Just seeing this post.. Just awful.. We've been having a rash of break-ins, in the community I live in over the last couple weeks. I've doubled up the security on my shop to where the only way in would be a blow torch or a quickie saw. Nothing worse than a thief!!!