Making some scales for the swamp warden anybody have an old set?

Black Micarta with the brown burlap I hope. Anyone interested I have a couple sheets of Kydex that look just like those scales that tkc makes and the color mentioned above so you could make a sheath from them. I just have Azwelke do mine...Awesome!
Sorry to necromance an old thread, but I would love a set of the thin first batch warden scales if anybody is making them.
Ah man my life got hectic and the all machine/hobby section of tools got further buried in the shop. I'm sorry guys !!!
How many people would be interested at this point if I were to bang out a few weeks work getting set up ??
I think there were some variances in the exact shapes if handles between various releases too but I may be mistaken
Are these available for the original 3/16 thick handles?
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