Medium Choppa thread!!

No way to know really. They don't come up for sale often. A behemoth chopper went for around $1200 a while ago.
I don't think it's worth it when you can get a brand new busse Fusion battle cry for around $600.

It's not the same, but it is comparable. I'm not saying that the Busse is the same or even as "good". The CPK MC is definitely going to be a more refined knife, with better/thinner edge geometry, more comfortable ergonomics, better balance, etc.
I wouldn't pay 66% more for the CPK MC, in used condition though.

I’ve owned quite a few Busse knives, I haven’t yet owned or even held a Carothers. But if you think they’re comparable to a Busse I’m concerned.
Every singe Busse I ever owned was clunky, heavy, obtuse and dull. They all required, in my opinion, heavy modification to be usable. Which ultimately led to me loosing interest in them.
From everything I’ve read Carothers knives are anything but those things. Which is why I want one.
I’ve owned quite a few Busse knives, I haven’t yet owned or even held a Carothers. But if you think they’re comparable to a Busse I’m concerned.
Every singe Busse I ever owned was clunky, heavy, obtuse and dull. They all required, in my opinion, heavy modification to be usable. Which ultimately led to me loosing interest in them.
From everything I’ve read Carothers knives are anything but those things. Which is why I want one.
And they come with a sheath. 😉
I’ve owned quite a few Busse knives, I haven’t yet owned or even held a Carothers. But if you think they’re comparable to a Busse I’m concerned.
Every singe Busse I ever owned was clunky, heavy, obtuse and dull. They all required, in my opinion, heavy modification to be usable. Which ultimately led to me loosing interest in them.
From everything I’ve read Carothers knives are anything but those things. Which is why I want one.

Owning quite a few of both, let me chime in with my expert, scientific opinion- clunky, obtuse and dull, are features which will never be attributed to a Carothers knife. The odd gripe, here and there, is usually around handle preference, but it's impossible to please everyone.
Busse's can be a hit or miss. Some of the earlier models were excellent, especially the military overruns.
Nathan has nothing but good things to say about INFI steel for hard use.
For cutting tasks around the house, I feel that D3V retains sharpness for much longer than INFI
Owning quite a few of both, let me chime in with my expert, scientific opinion- clunky, obtuse and dull, are features which will never be attributed to a Carothers knife. The odd gripe, here and there, is usually around handle preference, but it's impossible to please everyone.
Busse's can be a hit or miss. Some of the earlier models were excellent, especially the military overruns.
Nathan has nothing but good things to say about INFI steel for hard use.
For cutting tasks around the house, I feel that D3V retains sharpness for much longer than INFI
One HUGE difference between the 2, is that you can tell that CPK's handles are iterative variations within the 'family', because Nathan has tested and refined his handle contours to maximize the ergonomics, with slight tweaks depending on intended use/design goals.

Busses handles OTOH, are literally all over the place. Some are OK. Some flat out suck. The difference is clear in that CPKs have handle designs specifically refined for Performance, as opposed to, "This should look pretty cool..."

The molded handle on my Busse Basic 10 was actually pretty comfortable, and the blade profile is pretty good, but after getting my CPK MC, the B10 (and my other Busse knives) were sold.

*** dammit. Keep forgetting to list up my last Busse, the AK47, before the K20s start shipping 😅
I’ve owned quite a few Busse knives, I haven’t yet owned or even held a Carothers. But if you think they’re comparable to a Busse I’m concerned.
Every singe Busse I ever owned was clunky, heavy, obtuse and dull. They all required, in my opinion, heavy modification to be usable. Which ultimately led to me loosing interest in them.
From everything I’ve read Carothers knives are anything but those things. Which is why I want one.
When I say comparable I'm referring to the definition: (of a person or thing) able to be likened to another; similar.
I thought the explanation I laid out illustrated that.
Does Busse use a specific steel and a specilized heat treat tuned to that steel for optimization? Yes.
Are the knives similar in size? Yes.
Do they serve a similar purpose? Yes.
Are they the same? No.

Any reasonable person that's used a Busse and a CPK will freely acknowledge that the CPK generally has better blade geometry and (most likely) ergonomics. Though the second item is primarily a matter of personal biology and opinion.
If you're buying a CPK from Nathan, the CPK is a better value, in my opinion. If you're buying on the secondary market, I don't think that's patently true any longer. I don't think the inflated cost of a $1000 MC is worth it.

I'm not disputing that the CPK MC is probably a better knife. I'm just saying I don't think the benefits of it justify the extra cost on the secondary market when compared to a Busse.
I have owned 40-50 Busse knives. Never had a clunky one. Sharpness was inconsistent to say the least at times but the last one I bought was wicked sharp out of the box. I just got my first CPK and have scrutinized it pretty heavily. The attention to detail is obviously far better on CPK. I have never had a Busse custom shop knife and that may be a different story but probably not apples to apples. Jerry makes damn fine knives and they are highly sought after on the secondary market if someone finds they don’t care for them.
I have used the hell out of many and have no complaints.