Merry Christmas!

Jul 16, 2007
Xmas Eve has always been the holiday for my family. We got a ton of snow here and I'm not traveling this year but I stocked up on groceries and will be settling in for my annual Xmas Eve viewing of Die Hard! To everyone here wherever you are, Merry Christmas! I hope it's a warm and safe one for you and yours.
Merry Christmas!
it was officially 74 here yesterday - so we went on a hike.
OK, I ambled, she would jog ahead and come back to me whenever the footing allowed.
4 miles in the woods, then 4 miles along a county blacktop because it was getting close to sunset and we didn't want to lose sight of the leaf covered trail (or the rocks under the leaves)
I got in 8 miles, her GPS said she did close to 11 -- but I think it was a low estimate, becasue it couldn't track her back and forths in the woods.
Merry Christmas! There was a slim chance of an actual white one here, but it turned out to be the typical gray Christmas...however, weather reports say temps will be dropping quickly, so I'll settle for a white day after.
Hope everyone has a good one!
Merry Christmas everyone. It's 77*, mostly sunny, and a bit breezy on my back patio down here in Louisiana. Taking a break to recharge the batteries in the drill and my back as my daughter's new bedframe has gotten me all kinds of twisted up. Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Merry Christmas to all... Considered wearing shorts here in Central Texas.
I just talked to a friend in SA - 83 deg or something crazy like that!?!? I can recall some warm Christmases down there, but that is downright uncomfortably warm. I am sure I'll be jealous within a few days when I am working up on a roof and freezing!
Sorry I missed this yesterday. Hope everyone had a great day!
Merry Christmas, All.......

Mine was toned down this year, not seeing my side just yet.

At the in-laws, I was asked to slice up a turkey breast. Their knives were way too dull, so I whipped out my semi-new viktim which I often edc and gave a go at it.

It obviously worked beautifully, now my O1 blade is all nice and blue colored