Moose Hunter

Glad to hear it found a good home. Unfortunate for Joe that Maggie wasn't on guard that day. Something tels me it won't be long before he has another order in though.


Lindey I think you're right :) Joe has quite a collection right now and once we get those Lightfoots in and George's new folder design made up he'll be beside himself ;)

Cheers, Carol
Lindey I think you're right :) Joe has quite a collection right now and once we get those Lightfoots in and George's new folder design made up he'll be beside himself ;)

Cheers, Carol

Carol I have to ask Lightfoots coming in. Is it folders or fixed blades or Lightfoot himself is coming, because I wouldn't mind meeting him if he is in a good mood :D

Carol I have to ask Lightfoots coming in. Is it folders or fixed blades or Lightfoot himself is coming, because I wouldn't mind meeting him if he is in a good mood :D


Actually AJ it's folders. Greg is too busy running his ranch and racing to get out for a visit. The next time he's in town I will personally take you over and introduce you. Greg is one of the nicest fellows you'd ever meet. :)

Cheers, Carol
That is EXACTLY what I mean:cool:!!That is the ULTIMATE!! I am interested is the one in the picture in Sambar Stag available? I will send you a email.

Hi Copperboy,
The one in the photo is LONG gone. We make them up in Red Deer Stag now.
The price for one in Sambar is 5X that of the Red Deer because of the shortage of Sambar ~ we save that for Bowie knives. We do have Red Deer Stag Available and it's very pretty and alot more comfortable when working in the field. Never did receive your e-mail I fear it may have gotten into the filtering system and gone missing.

Please advise if you'd like me to price for you.

Cheers, Carol