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My experience with Ann_Dem

I have the integrity , honor and dignity just like you.

Keith or this jew shaldaq is just jealous I scammed the industry they are in for hundreds on thousands dollars , and yet I'm around.

Yep, looks like a public confession to me......not very wise.:thumbdn:
And an admission the he was ann_dem as well.
I'm also wondering how this person paid for a Platinum membership and if it was done with a stolen card too?
Vlad/Ann_Dem must think Israel is some Communist hate America Country.

To the Contrary, they always cooperate if possible. It is too bad that Gadi is no longer with us. Gadi would have had Vlad in Jail within days..........
Vlad/Ann_Dem must think Israel is some Communist hate America Country.

Vlad is a stupid MoFo who doesn't realize alot of things. That fool will not even see what's coming to him until it's too late. He's the kind of useless cocky retard that thinks he's untouchable, and it's when he thinks he's the safest that he ends up face down in a ditch somewhere, with an Abalone Centofante stuck in his back.
Vlad is a stupid MoFo who doesn't realize alot of things. That fool will not even see what's coming to him until it's too late. He's the kind of useless cocky retard that thinks he's untouchable, and it's when he thinks he's the safest that he ends up face down in a ditch somewhere, with an Abalone Centofante stuck in his back.

What a shame to dirty a Centofante blade in such a manner!!!;)

And that poor ditch...................polluted forever.....................and ever
Wow.... Just wow. I just read this whole thread.

I can only hope someone finds Vlad/Ann/whomever and spends some time 'tuning up' their outlook.

Damn, I hate a thief.
Wow... I can't even finish this thread... :mad: I really ******* hate not just thieves, but especially thieves that can't help themselves but to brag... over their 'coffe'...

... Where's the hackers and crackers here on this forum? The LEO's? Both? Friends? Friends in the NSA? Friends who know friends who have an 11 year old hacking genius as their son or daughter?? An "Abby" from NCIS, type???????????? Really, the only longterm way to keep enough people interested in catching this (grrrrrrrr) PERSON (I'll keep it clean) OTHER than the unfortunate victims is to raise a reward for information leading to his/her arrest and conviction in ANY nation's criminal system... Israel might be harsher than here, for instance...

IF there IS any interest in raising a cash reward to combat this #&$%, please count me in. I've never done biz with this person, but I don't care. Sometime ya gotta make a stand and help to develope a reputation for coming down on scamming thieves to keep them away. This guy is bragging RIGHT NOW to all his criminal buddies about how EASY this was, because he's bragging HERE! (He/she, whatever.) THEY will want to do the same thing. If Vlad_Dem_Anne_Wolf_Dick:grumpy: is caught, many criminal types will get the word to AVOID US instead. Just my $.02 YMMV
I'm with Jaxx... I came to post something good about someone, got sucked into this thread, and can only say.... wow. If there is anything a LEO from NM can do to assist, let me know.
Wow... I can't even finish this thread... :mad: I really ******* hate not just thieves, but especially thieves that can't help themselves but to brag... over their 'coffe'...

... Where's the hackers and crackers here on this forum? The LEO's? Both? Friends? Friends in the NSA? Friends who know friends who have an 11 year old hacking genius as their son or daughter?? An "Abby" from NCIS, type???????????? Really, the only longterm way to keep enough people interested in catching this (grrrrrrrr) PERSON (I'll keep it clean) OTHER than the unfortunate victims is to raise a reward for information leading to his/her arrest and conviction in ANY nation's criminal system... Israel might be harsher than here, for instance...

IF there IS any interest in raising a cash reward to combat this #&$%, please count me in. I've never done biz with this person, but I don't care. Sometime ya gotta make a stand and help to develope a reputation for coming down on scamming thieves to keep them away. This guy is bragging RIGHT NOW to all his criminal buddies about how EASY this was, because he's bragging HERE! (He/she, whatever.) THEY will want to do the same thing. If Vlad_Dem_Anne_Wolf_Dick:grumpy: is caught, many criminal types will get the word to AVOID US instead. Just my $.02 YMMV

Hello everyone , may I interested you with custom ken onion folders ? =))))

[COLOR="Red"]stolengoods[/COLOR]@gmail.com thanks !
In case anybody didn't notice, Keith Mongometry was not Keith Montgomery.

Hello everyone I am new here and was looking through this "Great" site when I seen this forum topic. I was very impressed with all the digging done to out this person (or persons). As a new knife maker ( just starting really ) is saddens me to see people like this cheating others. I have a friend that was scammed in a overseas dog scam and I know how painful this can be.

This was so upsetting to me that I did alittle tracking ( with the info given here ) of my own. I am not sure if this info will help but this person has made other posts ( not about knives tho ) and linking to other webpages. I did the digging of an email address I think someone posted that was part or the paypal payment. This was a long thread so I hope I got the email address right but here is the info I found and will try to do some more digging later on if i can. I bet people here would not be shocked to find out that the email address ( and website ) refer to a warez site ( stolen programs no less ) and may be easer to track.

Ohh I forgot to put in the link I got this info from. Here it is http://www.guestbook-paradise.de/gb.php3?id=18238&skin=&show=90

Nr.: 607
Datum: 3.02.2002, 1.34 Uhr
Name: Freestyleman
eMail: linklistsystems@yahoo.de
Homepage: http://www.lls.ddl.to

Ich habe euch auf meiner seite http://www.lls.ddl.to gelinkt.
Es wuerde mich freuen wenn ihr auch einen link zu mir setzen wuerdet.
Selbst wenn es nur ein kleiner textlink waere.

Wenn ihr nen banner setzen wuerde waere es natuerlich noch besser 
Hier die urls:
88x31: http://web1.berlin185.server4free.de/lls/images/button.gif
468x60 : http://web1.berlin185.server4free.de/lls/images/banner.gif

MfG Freestyleman
Admin of www.lls.ddl.to
Received an interesting e-mail and had a nice telephone conversation with a well-known knife dealer today.

Remember the Ankrom 18-A that was offered as evidence in this thread (see page 7, post #139. . . .or see below) ?

Exhibit 1: Ankrom 18-A

Sadly, ann_dem has removed the pictures of and a great deal of information about this knife on BFC, but it would be fairly easy for the new owner to identify the knife.

Several items to consider. . . . .

First, one of the things that I've noticed about forums is that the people that post there are rather consistent in the posting patterns. For example, words used, punctuation, sentence structure, the use of smilie faces, etc. In the example below, look how ann_dem and Vlad punctuate the names of the maker (i.e. no period after the "E") - a minor, but important point, due to it being repeated in other for sale offerings. Also look at the comma separation between "18-A" and "Devin" in Vlad's post, which is very common in ann_dem's posts.

Second, if you're familiar with Ankrom's work – you know that it's unique and very expensive. With that said, how many knives do you think he produced in this specific configuration ?



http://talks.guns.ru/forummessage/64/68781-6.html See the post dated. . . .2-3-2006 18:20

It was, in fact, taken illegally by Vlad Pavlov. He, Vlad, purchased the knife (and several others) from Arizona Custom Knives. The parcel was shipped on 18 Jul 2005. Shortly after it was shipped, the owner of ACK discovered, through the credit card company that the credit card data was stolen.

I have the ACK documentation with all of Vlad's info.

The following is a link the Arizona Custom Knives "sold" web page, and it is the knife sold to Vlad (it's the second knife listed on web page). . . . .
