New and Improved Website is UP!!


Jul 17, 2009
Had some help improving my website... Take a minute have a look around and let me know what you think!

I am also officially opening my books until I build up a few orders! let me know if you would like to place and order!

I really like it. Would you do be able to do one of those hatchet jacks with some kind of handle? I really need one of your cleavers some day. Brad.
Hey Brad! All of those Lorien Hatchet Jacks are getting handles... I hope to get going on those in the next week or two! Shoot me an Email and we can talk about it. Thanks for the feed back on the website
I think your website kicks ass. No fluff. Info driven and more than good enough photos.
I check your website pretty often for WIP's and whatever inspiring pieces you happen to be working on at the moment... I don't see your website for what, 2 weeks? And this happens...

I think it's a good change. At first glance it seems like there's a lot more going on, but it only takes a second to get used to the new organization. It's easy to find what you're looking for, and it showcases your knives well. Good pictures help a lot too, but you've had that all along...

I bet it took some time to build though :)