New jersey legal carry

You may want to brush up on NY and NYC laws in case someone wants to go sightseeing. I went back to visit maybe 20+ years ago into NYC and was at my uncle's house. His son's and their friends were all NYPD as my Dad was before them. They spotted a Buck 110 on my belt and you could tell it stirred them up. They warned me that if stopped to say that I was from out of state and on a camping trip. Things may have changed since then. There was alot of litigation going on back then. There were stories of people being hassled if their Swiss Army knife could be flicked open with the snap of a wrist.
I lived in NJ from birth to 1982. My dad wanted a handgun and the procedure was to "ask permission" from the chief of police so you could legally buy one. The chief said my dad didn't have a good reason for getting one. Mind you, this was not for a concealed weapon permit. I can't verify this because I was a very young kid when it happened, but that is what my dad told me happened. My family moved to Florida in 1982. That was the best thing that ever happened to us.
Yep good move Stelth! Heard Desantis passed permitless carry just recently. Bet N.J. residents won't see it!!!! LOL
When it comes to New Jersey, you need to have a good explainable purpose for carrying the knife you have. Autos, gravity knives and double edged are big no-no’s. Balisongs are a grey area I wouldn’t chance. If you’re going to be engaging in outdoor activity, a Victorinox, Buck 110 folder or Old Timer fixed blade skinner would probably be acceptable so long as you’re not acting sketchy. If an officer asks you why you have a knife, always say it’s a tool. Never say it’s for protection or defensive use. That’s admitting intent to use as a weapon.
Damn, didn’t expect there were places in the US where self defense is not a valid reason. Makes me feel better about EU nanny laws.
I have lived in Jersey for last 20 years . Work in NYC. Carry an auto everyday. had A few officers tell me to put my knife in my pocket completely, not using the clip. That is it. Does anyone have experience with someone getting in trouble for just carrying a knife In Jersey? Not committing some other crime and having a knife in him At the time. Just for carrying a knife. I havent Heard of one yet. Would love to hear some stories. I think even napped has a book on Nj knife laws
I was under The assumption this whole time everything was legal in Jersey as long as you had a good reason for carrying that type of knife.
Lol this conceal/open carry thing about knives in NYC is so mind-bogglingly stupid it’s hilarious. I’d love to know who’s the comedian who came up with it.
I lived in NJ from birth to 1982. My dad wanted a handgun and the procedure was to "ask permission" from the chief of police so you could legally buy one. The chief said my dad didn't have a good reason for getting one. Mind you, this was not for a concealed weapon permit. I can't verify this because I was a very young kid when it happened, but that is what my dad told me happened. My family moved to Florida in 1982. That was the best thing that ever happened to us.
hmm, I live in NJ and didn't realize that you had to ask permission before buying a gun. I thought that was only if you wanted to concealed carry it. (Of course, I never tried buying a gun so what do I know?)
When it comes to New Jersey, you need to have a good explainable purpose for carrying the knife you have. Autos, gravity knives and double edged are big no-no’s. Balisongs are a grey area I wouldn’t chance. If you’re going to be engaging in outdoor activity, a Victorinox, Buck 110 folder or Old Timer fixed blade skinner would probably be acceptable so long as you’re not acting sketchy. If an officer asks you why you have a knife, always say it’s a tool. Never say it’s for protection or defensive use. That’s admitting intent to use as a weapon.
Yeah, NJ knife laws are stupid. It shouldn't make a difference whether you say it is a tool or it for defense. The knife is still the same knife. I carry a leathman charge+. Hopefully if I am ever stopped and cop realizes I have it, it will come across as a tool rather than a weapon. (I mean it is primarily designed as a tool and not weapon, and I carry it within its sheath. That is not the way one would carry a weapon whether defensive or offensive.)
Just why live in NJ when you have been given the chance to live in a country with states that respect your freedom much more?
Because I was born here and lived all my life here? I may not like the knife laws, but South Jersey is my home. I have lived here all my life in the same town in South Jersey and I will probably die here(hopefully not for a long time). Home is home, it is in my blood .
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Several years ago, I remember watching a talk by Evan Nappen (a attorney that specializes in knife and gun law in NJ) and he said that there was case law that standard one-hand-opening knives (he showed a Sebenza as an example) require no additional justification. Or, to put it differently, that the burden of proof was on the state to demonstrate that carrying that knife was inappropriate under the circumstances associated with the case. I can't seem to find that talk, and it has been several years so things may have changed, or I simply misunderstood his point, so use this information at your peril (as Mr. Nappen likes to characterize NJ gun/knife laws). If you want a more definitive answer, seek counsel with an attorney.

Personally, I mostly stick to SAKs but I have a couple of modern folders, including a (non-assisted) flipper, that I also carry. I'm very much conscious of where I'm going when selecting which knife goes in the pocket. The modern folders are fine on my daily walks as I live in an area with plenty of wild animals and, unfortunately, some a******** tend to leave their dogs out or walk them without a leach. Not for self-defense of course, but as a tool... When going to any kind of establishment, I only carry SAKs.