New Staff Members at Kailash Blades!

Kailash Blades

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 21, 2015
Introducing our traditional sheathmaker Sisir, new blacksmith Mahesh and assistant Ashok!

Kailash Blades is now 7 years old and is continuing to grow and mature as a company. That means new skills and roles for old employees and new employees to fill fresh roles!


Sisir is our traditional sheathmaker- he's been working with us for a little over 2 years now and soon he'll be helping us out with some new and exciting traditional sheath projects.


Mahesh has been a big part of how we've managed to crush our wait times this year and the long overdue third blacksmith in our team.


Ashok is a longtime friend of the team and has been brought on to lighten up some of the load of modern sheathmaking and composite work.

For the full bios of our new staff members check out the "US" section of our website here. It's fully updated for all staff members now- the first step in a whole range of updates coming soon.
Take care,
Andrew and the team at Kailash