New style..... Bush Blade?


Jan 16, 2006
I think this will classify as a bush craft style. Let me know what you guys think.




I know the pics are sort of bad. I really suck at taking great pictures. I am trying to improve though:eek:

This one is made from 1/8" D-2 Ht'd to 60 RC
Black&Orange G-10 Handle Slabs
Blade length is 3 5/8"
OAL is 8"
Blade width is 1 1/16"


Let me know
That blade looks great. It looks like it will be a real usefull knife. I think that will be real popular for you.
Wow that looks great bro! At first glance at the pics, I was gonna say the blade looked a lil too long, but after reading the specs I will say perfect! The pic makes the blade look longer than the handle....

I like a nice pointy knife for drilling etc. Great execution on that knife Nick!

You have nothing to worry about with those pictures..were have you been hiding these new designs..



"Hold Fast"
looks perfect man, another one I will have to get from you! That black and orange G10 looks great on there too.
ooohhh man.. that's a great looking blade Nick...:thumbup: cool design.. i like it a lot... looks like a perfect field/woods knife...
Bushcraft knives with G10 handles? What were u thinking? :D
Just kidding bro, I like it! :thumbup: Email sent!
I think it looks great !!! I love the scales as well....great job.....I will be placing another order after the latest order is paid for...your killing me !!!!:D
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Hey Nick, I just realized you got your own forum! Congrats man. Great looking knife too. Do you plan to do it in 01 as well? If this was already asked, sorry I didn't read any of the replies. This one is gonna do wonders for my budget.
Looks like a great design to me. I like a full height flat grind or convex with spear-point or similar shaped blades. And your handles always look very ergonomic. I can't wait to try them.

What is the story on the little indent at the bottom of the ricasso back corner of the edge?

That indent, was intended to be just a little grace area between your finger and the edge. It is sort of a reverse of my standard guard.
I can make these in O-1,A-2 or D-2 like it is.

Nice to see you here Marcelo.

Thnaks for all the positive feedback on this one guys. To be honest, I didn't really plan on having anybody like it. I can't say why, I guess just because it is quite a bit different from my normal blades.

Oh, and Andy we do indeed have bad spiders here. We also have the Fiddleback Spider. I killed one in my Garage last summer, while doing some cleaning.:eek: I looked at it real close to make sure it was what I thought, and it sure was dude. If you look at the " map" of the Brown Recluse spider it says that they do not live in MI. well, I know different and so does one of my good friends. As he was bitten by one many years ago and still has trouble with the site opening up once in a while.

Really. Hmmm. And here I thoght we kept our little nasties to ourselves. OK then. Watcherass.
Personally, I think this is one of Nick's hottest knives!!!

I love the drop to the point, thinner stock, overall size, Nick's handles are always great, and of course Nick's fit and finish is top notch.

This a great woodsbumming one for sure!
