Next Level Kydex is Next!

Daniel Fairly Knives

Full Time Knifemaker
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 9, 2011
Proof of concept... it's rough but that's ok, I'm just trying some ideas and clean will follow. You guys have been patiently waiting and I'll make it worth the wait! ...a few more small changes and these are there. Did I mention awesome retention and very light weight with integrated belt loops?!?!!!

Testing... I have attempted about 25 of these now and am getting pretty decent! Loads were thrown away but that's good with me.

I have made about 3000 Kydex sheaths and decided to completely change my process. I've been reading industry manuals for weeks and getting my process down. 3 new wheels designed for Kydex are on the way along with a differential heater for kydex so I just mold the part where the knife goes.
Nerdin' out on Kydex??? ;)
This is the kind of stuff that makes your stuff next level! :thumbsup:
Now tell me more about these special wheels. :D