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Jul 11, 2009
ST. CLOUD, Fla. — Two 18-year-olds in Osceola County are accused of stealing a young girl's Beanie Babies and Nintendo games, police in St. Cloud said.

Officers said Scott Napolillo and Sean Knapp rode their bicycles to a St. Cloud home to "collect a debt" and left with a 7-year-old's toys.
The two made off with Beanie Babies, nine Nintendo games, some batteries and a cell phone on Monday, according to a police report. The toys belong to a girl whose brother owed Knapp and Napolillo $130, investigators said.
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Detectives said Napolillo carried a knife and forced his way into the home. Knapp, who Napillo referred to as the "Marlboro Man," stood outside the home with a baseball bat.
"Knapp was holding a souvenir baseball bat and pacing back and forth from the front door to his bicycle," an officer observed in the police report.
The victim told police that Napolillo ransacked the home, gathered the items in a bag and threatened to kill the victims if police were called before he and Knapp left on their bicycles.

An officer observed Knapp and Napolillo violate the right of way of a car traveling on Communications Road, so he stopped the pair and asked for identification, according to the police report. Knapp admitted to carrying a knife when the officer asked if either of them had any weapons, but said a friend gave the video games he was carrying in the bag.

After calling the victim's mother, police learned the items inside the bag belonged to a 7-year-old girl. The mother said the pair took the items without her or her daughter's consent.

Napolillo and Knapp were taken to the St. Cloud Police Department for questioning. The two were charged with home invasion, robbery, false imprisonment and theft.

The two were booked and held at the Osceola County Jail.
I wonder what they planned on doing with those Beanie Babies...hold them for ransom?
"Sigh"...Dammnit. St. Cloud is not all that far from where I live....Beanie Babies and Nintendo games huh? Well, I better load up my Glock 17 and hide my Colecovision and "Garbage Pail Kids"...
what a bunch of losers.
Armed robbery for some beanie babies and nintendo games??

inmate 1:what are you in for?
inmate 2: murder and bank robbery...what about you?
inmate 1: stole some beanie babies from a 7yr old girl
inmate 2: grab my belt loop bitch!!
The cops probably missed the Pokeman cards hidden between the soles of their shoes. :D
There's a shining example of the education system in America! Beanie Babies?!?!?!?! Those 2 well deserving jerk wads are going to be eating cock sandwiches for the next few years over Beanie Babies, Nintendo games, and a cell phone! Your totally right Robert, they don't make hard guys like they used to...
I see the "Humor" here concerning the beanie babies and all, but I hope you're not missing the real heads up here. Two 18 yr. olds, armed, threatening a a 7 yr.old. Maybe not tough guys, but possible brazen potential killers? Maybe. Coming soon to a street near you? Probably.
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