Opinions on BM 910 or BM 886

Sep 17, 2001
I was just at my local benchmade dealer and I checked a few knives out, the two that appealed to me the most were the 886 Blue Star and the 910 Stryker... but hey, because I like to be at ease about such things, tell me about 'em, good experiences? bad? whatever.
The 910 was my EDC for a long time. It was only replaced because of my accumulation of other "toys". It is very comfortable in the hand, better, even, than many other highly-touted knives. The liner lock will tend to spook some of the diehard skeptics of that locking system, but BM does a good job with it and mine has never come close to failing.

It has been in BM's lineup for a long time, so it appears to have proven a good seller.

Hmmm. I just may look into bringing it back into the rotation.:cool: :cool:
Yeah, I also found it to be very ergonomic, glad to hear i've rekindled your love.
So how about that 886? C'mon, anyone?
I have a 910HS. If you go that route definately pony up the little extra for the M2 steel (unless you absolutely despise black blades). It is my edc and has never let me down and the M2 is just great. I have never handled the 886, sorry. But, going just by numbers, the 910 is thicker by .02" longer by .5" and 1.3 oz heavier, if that matters. Personally, I think that the 910 feels great in the hand and is nearly perfectly proportioned. Also, the lack of "belly" on the 910 has never given me any problems in day to day cutting tasks as long as you keep it decently sharp. Hope I helped a bit.