Outdoor Edge, under rated!


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998
I have reached the conclusion that Outdoor Edge is very under rated, especially here on the forums. Every time I get one of their knives I am impressed. Outdoor Edge produces a great product for the money. Much better than Columbia River in my opinion. Their customer service is incredible as well. I just can't figure out why people here don't jump on the bandwagon.

I just placed an order for a variety of their product. I plan on keeping a variety of Outdoor Edge's offerings in stock because I believe in their products.

I wish more people would support Outdoor Edge so they will continue to produce more great designs.
I often wonder myself what the deal is. I think Outdoor Edge makes some really nice stuff. The Magna model is just a super knife.

I wonder (my thoughts only) if maybe they didnt suffer quite a blow recently. They had a folder coming out based on a custom makers design. Its possible that they were a bit slow in bringing it to market, but they did, and a super design it is. However, a short time before that knife came out, another larger knife company came out with the same damn knife designed by the same maker. I know, I was told "hey, its not the same at all, its different. See, the slots are a bit different." Personally, I think that was a cheap and underhanded thing to do. Say what you want, the models are based on the same design. Outdoor Edge was making this model in good faith, and got shafted for it.

Oh well, ethical or not, im sure some people would fall back on the "hey, its just business" line. I will continue to buy OE products as I feel they offer damn good stuff.
I agree. I picked up an Impulse a month or so ago and I cannot believe that I only paid around $45 for such an outstanding knife. My only complaint is that the ball-dent in the blade does not seem to be in quite the right place. I put a hole in my pocket as a result. I'll just have to remember to be more careful.

Now all I need is a new Magna and a new Paragee to go with it