Possible SOG Tech / 2.0 solution

Sep 8, 2016
Hello all , Ive been looking recently at buying a SOG Tech or 2.0 Bowie knife and as usual when researching any knife that I buy I ask as many questions as possible from others who may have knowledge on a particular knife . After watching numerous youtube reviews and gaining information from the forums it seems one of the problems affecting these particular knives (maybe not all ) is that after some relatively light to medium use the tang retaining screw in the butt cap very often becomes loose thus making the knife a possibly dangerous implement to use ! First of all in todays high tech manufacturing world there is absolutely no excuse for this being a common problem and second the problem should be addressed and rectified at the manufacturing source ! I do appologise if the latest models have had this problem sorted ( please any recent buyer let me know if this is so .
Anyway I have been thinking how I would address this problem as other owners state that even after using loctite on the screw and butt cap it stills becomes loose . How about removing the screw and butt cap and filling the tang hole up to the brim with two part epoxy then replace the butt cap and screw and let the epoxy set , surely this would sort the problem out and give even greater inner strength to the tang for the life of the knife . I can se no reason why anyone would want or need to remove the butt cap anyway as you wouldnt do this normally on any knife . The actual leather handle on the 2.0 model should obviously be cleaned after any use and every now and then given a coating of neatsfoot oil or other good leather feed to help protect the handle and prevent any form of shrinkage ,.....It would be interesting to know from recent buyers of these knives if this problem with the screw is still persisting or whether SOG have sorted the problem .
I've not personally had the problem on the SOG Tech Bowie. If the retaining nut ever did come loose, I would bung a load of 2 part epoxy in and get that retaining nut on as tight as I could.