Protection knife against wild animals.

Lots of jokes, but when you are sleeping in a tent and a bear decides to jump on you, I'd rather have a a large knife than a can of bear spray. Can't exactly spray through nylon, but I can stab through it. Of course, if you are out and about I'd take the bear spray any day. Regardless, I have a knife on me at all times while camping and it's not like I have my bear spray in a holster, and even if I did, if a cougar attacks you probably won't see it coming. An easily accessible fixed blade is just added insurance.

I bring my Kabar USMC with me (along with a folder or two) on camping trips and I always bring it into my tent with me.
Right Hwang... a bear is large... semi slow moving with all his weight. He has to get close too. Quick swipe/stab to the head would bring down a bear if you get so lucky. And of course you have the right equipment. As someone else said.. Play dead.. a bear will kinda sniff and play with ya to see if your alive... Perfect time for a stab to the head. Just looking at all options. Cause we love to hike... ride bikes.. Were even looking into getting a couple horses to ride on the trail.. Horses would notice a wild animal well before we did

That mentality might get you killed by a bear. Bears are actually very (shockingly) fast, and have extremely thick skin. Think of stopping a charging bear like stopping a car. You probably won't beat a car in melee, and your best course of action is evasion. The fact that a bear can be shot repeatedly and still keep coming means that unless you are the luckiest guy in the world, you are quite screwed in the event of a charging bear.
I love how many people posted so quickly nearly 20 people within 30 minutes. This has to be a subject that everyone has there own opinion on. Keep em coming.. this is great info for me and anyone else wanting to know.
Theres a reason you hear about every time someone successfully kills a full sized bear with a knife but not every time someone kills one with a firearm. I just couldn't entrust my life on how well I can swing a sharp piece of metal at a bear.
something of the .44 mag variety (or bigger). My suggestion is some 300grn hard led, flat nosed, loaded hot, around 1300fps or so.

the other option is to bring someone who can't run as fast as you can, and have them cook bacon for breakfast.

bears can run faster, for longer than a human. Bet on it. They also don't have the whole "should I kill this?" question running through their heads. It's more like: how much work is it going to take to kill this?"
If you must have a knife only, then I would recommend one of the Cold Steel Bushman knives. You can mount it on a pole/walking stick for a long spear application which is what I would want in a "knife only" confrontation with a large animal.
Just youtube bears attacking.......
You can see them taking down caribou etc while on the run
You will not outrun or out maneuver a bear
Humans can basicly stop on a dime and reverse direction instantly.. bears would have to slow down.. and gain speed again. People are more agile. Least thats how i picture it.. Am i wrong?
What I have come to that your average outdoor type male figure is pry stronger than any wildlife out there except bears. A cougar.. pry even a mountain lion. Physical strength we got em beat... its the teeth and claws that do so much damage. Why everyone should own a good knife.. or two. :)
Humans can basicly stop on a dime and reverse direction instantly.. bears would have to slow down.. and gain speed again. People are more agile. Least thats how i picture it.. Am i wrong?

Yes, you are wrong. Bears are quite a bit faster than humans and are also more agile.

Instead of running and outmanoeuvring them, you're better off trying to keep a tree in between the two of you. Having said that, reading a bear is your ultimate asset. For example, a charge very could just be a threat, a dominance thing, and standing your guard is the best choice. Or could mean he's hungry as hell. The same goes for deciding whether or not you should play dead after an attack. Being able to read a wild animal is important. There is no one solution that fits all scenarios, so keeping calm is important. Running is almost always a bad idea as it triggers an instinctual response from almost all mammalian predators.
Presuming you are not joking, pick up some pepper spray. A knife brings you too close to the fray and you don't want to get hurt by a wild animal. There's no need to get that close to one that is in attack mode.

You're not attacking the animal, the animal is attacking you. You don't necessarily get to choose the distance of engagement.

Having said that, I have no idea why you wouldn't carry a gun for protection if you thought you were likely to encounter bears. Where I live there are no particularly dangerous large animals, which is fortunate since you basically aren't allowed to carry guns at all.
Dkenz, with all due respect; a full grown mountain lion is strong enough to take down prey much larger and stronger than you. I joke because it's laughable to think you can prepare yourself against the savagery of this sort of attack. Not to mention, if a mountain lion attacks you you will most likely never see it coming. They stalk their prey. UI'm not saying it's impossible and there are certainly stories out there of this sort of thing but I believe your chances are small. Bear spray, firearm, alertness. Stay safe man.
What I have come to that your average outdoor type male figure is pry stronger than any wildlife out there except bears. A cougar.. pry even a mountain lion. Physical strength we got em beat... its the teeth and claws that do so much damage. Why everyone should own a good knife.. or two. :)

Just because you are possibly stronger than a cougar does not mean that it can't pounce and mortally wound you before you can react. Man developed tools and weapons because many if not most things in nature are capable of pretty easily killing us. We are just smart enough to make tools that act as claws. That does not mean that you are apex predator with a knife... it simply actually quite the opposite. Hunting is done via gun and bow for a reason.
A bear attack at night while you are in your tent is predatory, unlike most daylight attacks.
Playing dead in this situation only means a painful death for you
While tenting in grizzly country I sleep with both a firearm and a large sharp knife
The knife is primarily there to cut my way out of the tent if needed, and for absolutely last ditch use for protection
Lots of jokes, but when you are sleeping in a tent and a bear decides to jump on you, I'd rather have a a large knife than a can of bear spray. Can't exactly spray through nylon, but I can stab through it. Of course, if you are out and about I'd take the bear spray any day. Regardless, I have a knife on me at all times while camping and it's not like I have my bear spray in a holster, and even if I did, if a cougar attacks you probably won't see it coming. An easily accessible fixed blade is just added insurance.

I bring my Kabar USMC with me (along with a folder or two) on camping trips and I always bring it into my tent with me.
Bears are WAY faster and WAY stronger.. what im saying is there not as quick as we are. You know what your doing you pry could get away. If your in the plains allot of open ground.. your f*cked. In the city with buildings and cars.. You could easily. If your gonna run from a bear... run toward trees and bushes.. not open ground. Show me a youtube channel that shows a bear stoping in 2 feet and changing direction with same speed
Well you are wrong on that front as well. Bears are quicker my friend, especially in the woods.
Is a Flamethrower considered a gun? Hehe Pretty sure that would work... Sry but I think were getting off track on the post... Just wanted to know the KNIFE you'd bring with you. Unless you have a counseled permit for a firearm.. what do most you bring on an outdoor adventure?
A bear attack at night while you are in your tent is predatory, unlike most daylight attacks.
Playing dead in this situation only means a painful death for you
While tenting in grizzly country I sleep with both a firearm and a large sharp knife
The knife is primarily there to cut my way out of the tent if needed, and for absolutely last ditch use for protection

Agreed. No firearm here though.
I really would not want to get into a knife fight with a bear. His claws are quite sharp, and he is much stronger than you are.

(Bears bench 350)