
Sep 22, 2003
One of the things I always notice is how many new posts the HI forum has.
People may buy a khuk, then stick around for the gab and then maybe if a new DOTD is posted or something snag another.

I have the HI page bookmarked and a couple times here today I've checked in doesn't look like much is happening and I've logged out. However the Cantina thread at top has had new posting.

Something I wonder is by seperating the 2 if it is actually going to cut down on sales, cause I may just end up removing the HI page and putting the cantina page as a bookmark. Also most of the seasoned folks will be at the Cantina site and might not even look as often at the other site, so there will be less talk to snag the casual passer by.

I guess we will see but I think while it may help keep us on topic it may not be all that good for sales, since a lot of us only post on the one forum and not that much on all of BF.:confused:
I think you're probably right HD.

Maybe Yangdu can copy and paste a DOTD post into both. I have no desire to make more work for her, but if it was quick and easy.....
Ah. I don't like the split, but it's here and that is reality. Because we care about HI forum and each other, we're going to make it work.

About attendance on the two forums; anyone know for certain how it's counted? When I look HI forum, the 'sales and technical' forum, it shows a mob of folks; when I look at HI forum- The Cantina, I see a smaller mob. Both the forum and sub forum are counted as one?

At the end of writing this I must ask myself...'why did I do that?"

hollowdweller said:
Something I wonder is by seperating the 2 if it is actually going to cut down on sales, cause I may just end up removing the HI page and putting the cantina page as a bookmark. Also most of the seasoned folks will be at the Cantina site and might not even look as often at the other site, so there will be less talk to snag the casual passer by.

I guess we will see but I think while it may help keep us on topic it may not be all that good for sales, since a lot of us only post on the one forum and not that much on all of BF.:confused:

I agree. Probably not in HI's best interest. :(
The good thing is Yangdu seems to be as good or better business person than Uncle Bill, and of course I think they actually pay BF for their forum right?? So I'd guess if the postings in the actual HI forum dry up and sales slack off she would likely have some pull as far as re joining the 2. I personally plan to try to check both but if I'm at work when I check in, and I usually am, then I'll probably check in on the Cantina one to see how all y'all are doing.

and some more damned off topic words to satisfy the stupid RULE about ten characters
I'm just going to pull up two tabs with firefox. One to blab in. One to shark. I'll refresh them every so often like i usually do. Kind of a pain, but no biggie.

I agree with Bri in Chi and Hollow in that I've concerns about sales and in general the health of HI forum and HI Business.

We agree no one knows what will happen, so these are only concerns at this point.

Bill wanted a forum to be a sanctuary where anything could be talked about with the khukuri as the central common theme bringing us together.

When a person visits the Old HI forum, he see's all kinds of things. He see's technical discussion of Kukris. He see's Special Sales. He see's laughter and people having discussion about every thing around them.

You know, it's not unlike a real bar, or Cantina, or Trade shop on the Boardwalk of a major city. A meeting place, place of trade, place of social and personal connection, place of entertainment.

Will it be diminished by the split?

Let's take a *business* that periodically brings out merchandise for sale. It all sells. They offer nothing else, folks go see what is for sale next door.

Alternative - You set up a comfortable place with refreshments and a relaxing environment, make them feel at home and encourage hanging out until the next batch of merchandise is available.

Which business do you think will last?

We used to have a place locally here called the Boston Stoker where cigars and coffees were the mainstay. They had lounge chairs and couches and even tables where a dedicated group of loyal customers would while away hours drinking coffee and smoking cigars and pipes. A local ordinance was passed prohibiting smoking in such a place and they took the tables and chairs out. Boston Stoker now has a location at the Dayton airport...the other location shut down.


Let's wait and see...
I'm not particularly worried about a split.

Barring bookmarking, you still have to pass through the HI forum on your way here. It's not like it's hidden. When you look under the Manufacturers list, you don't see two seperate HI forums - just the "business" one.*

Some folks were all about the hardware. Some folks were all about the conversation. Some folks were all about both. Now it's going to take one extra button click to go from one side of the house to the other. If we are so lazy that one extra button click is going to ruin things here, then that's exactly what we deserve. For the record, I think that we're a bit better than that and I think that we'll make this work.

One click to be here, one click to be there, one click to be back here again. Trivial. I'll admit that a certain dynamic will be lost in that our threads "over there" will be moved if they meander too much but hey...the rest of BF has been dealing with this for, what, six years now? They made it work. We can too.

As for HI losing business over this...I don't know. Possibly. The only advertising that I've ever seen for HI has been strictly word of mouth. This will continue. (And in two locations instead of one, now.) Most of us wind up as repeat customers. I don't see this changing either. We'll see.

If there were any plans to update the FAQs/HI website, shift stickies around, and generally reorganize things, now would be the perfect time.

*Edit: I just realized that the statement marked with the * is not correct. My opinion remains unchanged.
I think we'll be fine and I applaud Spark for separating the forum and making a place where we can discuss off topic things. Not many forum admins would do such a thing. And Spark has long bemoaned the off topic traffic in the HI Forum, a helluva long time than a lot of y'all have been here.
He could've just moved the off topic threads to the forums they belong in and then told us no more off topic posts in the HI Forum.
I'm damned grateful he didn't!:thumbup: :cool: :D

Right now I have three windows open in my task bar. One for the HI Forum, one for here and one for Community where I visit Whine and Cheese, The Cove, and the Community Forums. It's not hard to switch from one to another at all for me and if I can do it then hell anyone can.:thumbup: ;) :D
No, I'm not crazy about it either.

It's hard & time consuming to keep up with multiple forums....

but in this case it's worth trying.

It's going to be pretty funny to watch everybody shift into the sales/knife forum at that one time of the day....

Ad Astra
Maybe Yangdu can copy and paste a DOTD post into both. I have no desire to make more work for her, but if it was quick and easy

Did anyone see this? Not being cranky, I am just surprised it got zero responses:confused:

Or would it violate the rules of the OT forum...can we discuss khuks in here if the mood strikes us?
I don't particularly like the split, but the alternative probably would have been worse.
Well I dun crave much for that idea either. But Sparkie here is the boss and we shall adjust...........

We shall let him go this time. :p hehe
We ride it out. We stay on the horse that brought us. It's not over till the fat lady sings, and I'm not sure it's over then. I think maybe it's just she stopped singing.

I like a saying from AA; "More will be revealed."
We don't know what happiness or surprises await us down the road.

munk said:
...It's not over till the fat lady sings, and I'm not sure it's over then. I think maybe it's just she stopped singing.

I think that is when she has been zombified...
Kevin the grey said:
Zombis , the other white meat !

If I ever find a zombie with white meat, I'd eat it. However, zombies only tend to come in the putrid bluish green hue. I don't even drink milk after the experation date. I wouldn't eat a green zombie.

I agree about the green stuff. In fact, regardless of the real purpose of the Cho, as it's argued and discussed by historians, it does work as enough of a blood stop so that green pus stuff doesn' t get on me when I've decapitated one of them. Well, OK, so I still get sprayed, but it would be a lot worse were it not for the Cho.
