Refrigerate after opening..... Do you?

Don't worry Doc, that hasn't happened in a long time, and the last time it did there was not much left of it anyway.
It's addictive. My friend told me to try it one day. I thought he was messing with me. He wasn't..
Unrelated, but I once cooked a bunch of chicken breasts and then stored them in a mini fridge overnight before eating them the next day.

Apparently my mini fridge wasn't cold enough... because I got violently ill later that evening. Stomach cramps so bad that were paralyzing.

Weirdly I just ended up passing gas all night, like huge blocks of air I didn't know I had in me... I actually felt amazing the follpwing day. So much so that anytime I feel really bloated, I wonder if I should dance with the chicken gods again.
I usually follow the instructions for packaged/processed foods unless the only ingredients are naturally shelf stable (like non-dairy or non-egg containing condiments).

My sister had a roommate in college who grew up in a sheltered environment and had no conception of food preservation. To her, anything that came out of the pantry could be opened and placed back into the pantry to save for later. No big deal for most condiments, jellies and such. But, on multiple occasions, she opened a jar of pasta sauce or salsa, spoonee out a little on her plate, then placed the jar back into the pantry. She got away with this for a while until my sister and the other roommates started pointing out the obvious mold growing in the slightly used jars. I don't recall how many times the girl had to be called out before learning the lesson, but it was more than once.
I lived in an attic bedroom (nicer than it sounds) rented out to me in my early twenties by a nice Filipina lady and her Scottish husband who had been a friend of the family for many years. It was no big deal for her to leave everything on the counter, including fish heads, which are the thing I remember most. There are always very interesting cooking smells coming from that house.

Anyway. at the time I was working at the restaurant and bar, and would often come home too exhausted to make myself anything to eat. One day she said "Dave I made you a hot dog, it's on the counter. It's a nice hotdog". And I was exhausted so I thought, great!

I had already gotten about two bites in by the time I noticed mold on one side of the bun, and well, let's just say that I lost my appetite immediately.
I lived in an attic bedroom (nicer than it sounds) rented out to me in my early twenties by a nice Filipina lady and her Scottish husband who had been a friend of the family for many years. It was no big deal for her to leave everything on the counter, including fish heads, which are the thing I remember most. There are always very interesting cooking smells coming from that house.

Anyway. at the time I was working at the restaurant and bar, and would often come home too exhausted to make myself anything to eat. One day she said "Dave I made you a hot dog, it's on the counter. It's a nice hotdog". And I was exhausted so I thought, great!

I had already gotten about two bites in by the time I noticed mold on one side of the bun, and well, let's just say that I lost my appetite immediately.
that lady is my wife exactly......
What kind of restaurant?
And I hear tell that he has a nakiri from Dopic1 Dopic1 with a DMC regrind that kicks ass!
I'm a stick in fridge as soon as hits room temp on food. on condiments and such I just follow the label. now my wife who grew up on a farm...

she'll leave leftover food even stuff like shrimp on the countertop overnight and next day and eat at room temp. she also will eat stuff I never would. mold on top scrape it off and eat the rest. stuff like that. old condiments she has zero fear. she'd do your jelly thing. she likes to keep the butter on the countertop..drives me crazy. shes got my boy doing it all that way too. leaves leftover food put in container ready for the fridge and leaves it on the countertop overnight, eats the next day. she and the boy never get sick from it. I like stuff in the fridge as soon possible.
Not my wife, it doesn't even get a chance to cool off and it's in the fridge/freezer hermetically sealed in multi layers of sterile wrap.
Not my wife, it doesn't even get a chance to cool off and it's in the fridge/freezer hermetically sealed in multi layers of sterile wrap.
I think more like her on this topic. I just don't like to put hot food in the fridge....I'm okay with cooled down from super hot in fridge though.

it isn't bad to put super hot food in a fridge, I just don't like to bring extra heat into a fridge for electric costs. I like to conserve energy ....I am a 49 state licensed energy rater as part of my job.....besides that I'm cheap too.....

If I walk by.....i turn lights off at work in people's offices when they aren't in there. just don't like wasting energy or water.
Yes it is bad. The food won't be in the danger zone too long if left to cool at ambient room temp but the temperature of all fridge contents is potentially compromised by making the fridge work extra hard.

Also not supposed to pour hot liquids into cool ones, like when adding something to a batch of soup. Not talking about making a drink.

I took the chef apprenticeship 25 years ago before I knew it wasn't right for me. Got a set of knives out of it though, a couple of which I still have today.
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Yes it is bad. The food won't be in the danger zone too long if left to cool at ambient room temp but the temperature of all fridge contents is potentially compromised by making the fridge work extra hard.

Also not supposed to pour hot liquids into cool ones, like when adding something to a batch of soup. Not talking about making a drink.

I took the chef apprenticeship 25 years ago before I knew it wasn't right for me. Got a set of knives out of it though, a couple of which I still have today.
didn't know you were a chef......learn something interesting here all the time.....

so when we have the David Mary knife owners're on the smoker and fire pit then, right?šŸ˜
Have you seen my posts in the CPK what's that your eating thread? My cheffyiness is not very
Have you seen my posts in the CPK what's that your eating thread? My cheffyiness is not very
I haven't seen it, but I have faith that you're a pit BBQ master....... for our picnic, and the bbq will be great......