How To Respond to Alert?

May 25, 2014
Help, please!

How does a rule-abiding B/F Member respond to an Alert like this one?

“Your post in the thread Tony and Reese Bose Custom Collection was moved to Tony and Reese Bose Custom Collection. Reason: Please don’t comment in sales threads unless you are purchasing”

First, the wording of the Alert makes no sense to me. Was it was moved from the thread to the same thread?

Second, why was I, who posted a two-word positive comment because I (1) was... in fact!... the buyer and (2) am required by B/F to post a comment if I wish to heap praise upon the Seller, not extended the courtesy of a Moderator’s double-check before he/she summarily purge my mandatory comment?
Can you still access the page? When I click the link it says I can't access the page.

This is just a guess but it looks like the whole thread was moved to the back end, the moderator only section.
Perhaps the seller's membership has lapsed, hence the move and the response to you was just a generic response .

Peter's suggestion of asking the moderator is your best bet. You should be able to PM them.
The Alert was posted anonymously, which I, as a dues-paying and regular Buyer from many of B/F’s most-reputable Sellers (especially in this case!), find very disturbing.
The Alert was posted anonymously, which I, as a dues-paying and regular Buyer from many of B/F’s most-reputable Sellers (especially in this case!), find very disturbing.

Can you still access the link/thread?
Is the seller's membership still active?
I was the one who moved it offline and sent you the alert. Sales comments are not allowed whether positive or negative.

Beautiful Boses!

There is your exact post. How am I nor anyone else supposed to know from that that you were the buyer?

If you posted a question related to the purchase or that you were going to take a certain one etc. your post wouldn’t have been reported and subsequently removed.
Yes, of course, and thank you for your concern and thoughtful responses, my friend.

The Seller’s a major participant in the Knife Exchange with several current listings, a 100% lifetime rating and more than 300(!) positive feedbacks.

I am trying to learn from knowledgable Members like you how to communicate directly with the anonymous Moderator who purged my post on a still-very-active thread sales thread from which I privately purchased a knife and then tried to post A++ feedback on the Seller’s “Trading Stats” page.

I assure you that I wouldn’t be bothering all of y’all with this matter if I knew how to do so.

Are you telling me that I/we, as dues-paying, rules-following and loyal B/F Members who might wish to publicly praise a Seller from whom we privately buy a knife, do not have the right to do so privately UNLESS we publicly state on the thread that we are the Buyer?
You don’t have to post publicly at all if you don’t wish to. The only advantage to doing that is you can add to a sellers feedback score. You could also start a thread in the good bad and ugly section praising the seller if you didn’t post on the thread. You could also post something like message sent or post for feedback etc.
Thank you, my friend, for responding to my G,B&U post and for your thoughtful advice.