Right to refuse sales


Pit Bull Appreciation Society
Jul 20, 2006
While this shouldn't even need to be said, apparently it does.

I reserve the right to refuse requests from anyone for any reason.

I've dealt with some of the best people I could imagine since I started making sheaths a couple years ago. Knifenuts, makers, LEOs, military, and outdoorsmen. I enjoy the correspondance with my customers and appreciate their business more than they know.

That said, I do this because I enjoy it and I'm not gonna deal with negative people for a few dollars. It's not worth the headache. I'll eat ramen noodles cooked over a coffee can before I'll bend over and take it from someone who thinks their money is worth more than my serenity.

I'm an easy going guy and have only refused two orders in my time doing this that weren't based on my inability to meet requirements. One for a manufacturer's product line when said manufacturer is a known design thief and one from a maker who is completely out of his mind. That said, I'm posting this because it's apparently needed.

If I have flat out refused to make a sheath or sheaths for anyone it's not because I don't need the money, it's because you're an asshole and I have no interest in dealing with assholes.
bravo sir...dont take any nonsense from those douches. The customer IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT (most of the time, but not always)
Just because you are in business doesn't mean you have to deal with people's BS. Good for you, and good luck.
Thanks, my friend. As I said, all the people I've done work for amaze me with how cool they are. Basically just one dipshit knife maker with an ego problem that set me to rant mode.
I'm gonna take this as a lesson.

Thank you for posting this.

I know its kinda old but I still wanted to say thanks.
I'm interested in possibly getting with ya to see if we can do some positive work on ... I find you are talented and would rather collaborate ideas with your skills to get some premiumm
kiah does really good work.

Amen to this! I own several Kiadex axe sheaths, and a custom knife sheath he made me in the same " thumb-break" style, for my D-2 knife. Superb work, he does.

i had the chance to check out a sheath he made for some knives that were donated to soldiers. here is the thread http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/s...-going-to-Afghanistan?p=10424113#post10424113

Those were phenomenal,richard j! My hat's off to all you folks involved in that project....had to read the whole thread and subscribe!

I'm interested in possibly getting with ya to see if we can do some positive work on ... I find you are talented and would rather collaborate ideas with your skills to get some premiumm

Odd thread to reply to this in considering the context of the OP, but I'm gonna say no. Don't know you and not saying you're an asshole, but there's enough drama surrounding you here that I'm not comfortable interjecting myself into it. Sorry.

kiah does really good work. i had the chance to check out a sheath he made for some knives that were donated to soldiers. here is the thread http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/s...-going-to-Afghanistan?p=10424113#post10424113

Those were phenomenal,richard j! My hat's off to all you folks involved in that project....had to read the whole thread and subscribe!


Thanks my friends, and kudos to roxtar for putting that project together.
First, when I visited Richard I got to see the knives going overseas. Well done guys.
Second, although I have never needed a kydex sheath so far, if I ever do and if you will sell to me, I will gladly buy from you. This thread has sold me on your integrity.