Saddleback Simple

Apr 8, 2009
I just got done ordering a Simple in coffee. After dealing with neck pain for almost 3 years, I finally went to the doctor and after X-rays, I was told that my hips were so far out of alignment from sitting on my wallet. Don't ask me how my hips being out of alignment caused my neck pain, but after I got them adjusted, and stopped carrying my wallet in my back pocket, it went away.

I'm hoping that the Simple will be the perfect fit for my front pocket carry. If anyone has any pictures of their Simple post em up. I would love to see some examples.

I've been carrying front pocket most of my life. It's a New York thing, we say it makes life hard for the pickpockets. :)

It also encourages you to leave the useless plastic at home and just carry what you need.
^ I got to try that sometime

All my life, I've been lugging around a brick, or so it seems like
I used to carry my wallet in my back pocket to but when driving I found my right leg would go numb until I removed the wallet. So, yeah I think there is some disalignment that happens to your body when you sit on it.
I drive roughly 110,000 miles a year. I learned early on that the back pocket is a bad place for a wallet. I wear cargo pants/shorts and mine rides in the cargo pocket up front. It's easy to feel so I always know it's there and comfortable to drive with.

Hope your back/neck problems are solved.
Well it's quite simple and I keep it simple!
I only carry 1 ID and 1 CC, but it can easily fit more.

In this lighting the contours of the cards can be seen as the leather continues to mold with time.

Here are a few more pics.





Thanks for the pictures. It should be here soon. I received conformation yesterday that it had shipped. I'm all about this wallet. Why we carry around so much crap is beyond me.
My simple came in this afternoon. I love the size and the feel. My cards fit in there perfectly. I'm a little disappointed to see that the Saddleback logo wasn't on the wallet. I've seen it both ways.
Why we carry around so much crap is beyond me.

Quite often, because we have to. Either by law, by work requirements, by life requirements. I'd love to be able to leave the house with just two cards. Things would be so simple. :D
Unfortunately, I need to carry a driver's license, an alien registration card, a key card for my office at work, a key card for my apartment house front door, a card for transportation, a card for the supermarket (used daily) and a card for the health club. Add to that two different credit cards and the wallet begins to get thick with the only options of not carrying the credit cards. Add a wad of cash (because I live in a cash society) and things really get thick!

I do notice that the older I got the thicker my wallet had to be. It's nice to be young.

Just ordered a Simple in dark the wait begins!

Chris D. :D