SAK fail.

Oct 2, 2004
Okay, it's not really a SAK fail, or even a slip joint fail. yesterday morning I had my left shoulder rotator cuff and brachial tendon repaired. They wheeled me into the ER at 7am, woke my at 1pm, and sent me home with a bottle of hydrocodone for pain relief. BUT... the kick was, they gave me a nerve block before they put me under, and all afternoon and evening my whole left arm and hand was numb. Like I had stroke or something. Weird feeling. I tried to open my classic to cut off the plastic ID band on my wrist, but I couldn't even hold anything at all, let alone open a knife.

My far better half used the classic scissors to do the freeing snip, and remarked that it could be a good thing a half doped up octogenarian still woozy from anesthesia and a dose of hydrocodone can't get a knife open. I ended up going into my sock drawer and getting my old Christy knife to drop in my pocket.

This morning the block had worn off, and my shoulder aches, but the hand is all there, so while I can't move the arm from the padded fancy sling for 6 weeks, at least I can grasp and hold things with my left hand, and that helps. But typing with one hand sucks! This aging thing is really getting on my nerves!

Don't get old!
Jackknife, best wishes for a speedy recovery for you!
Shoulder surgery can be a rough one. Don’t be shy about keeping up on your pain meds. Speedy recovery.
You'll be back on top soon, keep the classic nearby, muscle memory is stubborn, it won't be unlearned so quickly, and youll get them open in no time. Get better real soon
Best wishes for a relatively painless and speedy recovery. I am eighty-two and have a torn rotator cuff but the surgeon, who I like and trust, said I'm too old for him to advise surgery. I've been doing PT to strengthen other shoulder muscles. I'm surprised how much I am able to do, including almost all the motions required for my (now part-time) work. I wish you a full recovery.
I can't move the arm from the padded fancy sling for 6 weeks

typing with one hand sucks!

Activate your on-screen keyboard, put it in the bottom corner of the screen, and use your mouse/touchpad or touchscreen to type. It may seem slow at first but you'll get used to it.