Seeking Sheath History

Dec 3, 2012
Greetings Programs,
Have you ever/never acquired a new (to you) knife and after admiring, testing, evaluation is complete (what ever that means to you) you try to determine how you would incorporate your new blade into your use and kit? Naturally, you turn your attention to the sheath. Do you look at the sheath as simply a blade covering and/or storage container? Do you look at how you will carry and use the knife based on the stock sheath design? Do you make a decision on use then evaluate the provided sheath to determine how to carry the knife? Do you completely envision and perhaps build or commission someone to make you a sheath to fit your concept of use and carry?

I’m probably not entirely alone in these mental exercises. Barring a pure Collector, who tends to keep everything in original and unused condition, for their own reasons, of which I am not (driven by a complete lack of disposable income). The things I collect tend to be used and appreciated for what they bring to my purposes. I do try to keep them is good and usable condition, after all I did spend money on them.

Which brings me to the point of my post. First, I am looking for any factual and historical reference to the sheath design for the OKC 3S, Marine Issue bayonet-knife. Beyond the obvious: Molly compatible, multiple retention/mounting options, even built in drainage. After evaluating and what little I can find online, I am fairly impressed with the mil-spec sheath that came with my blade. I would be hard pressed to improve on it, not that I will not try… I would like to know how the design was developed.

Second, I have looked on YouTube and elsewhere for ideas and inspiration on custom sheaths for this and other Military knife/bayonet style blades, to see what is out there and what is being done. I see commercial and generic synthetic sheaths, custom leather and kydex sheaths- some strictly for the blade storage, some with extra features like sharpening stone/gear pockets, fire steel, etc. I lean towards these later types due to my own tendancy towards customization and purpose geared use of my gear. I have the knowledge, skills and abilities to work with leather, kydex, metal, etc., which contributes to why I choose to use and customize the gear I own.

I know these knives have been reviewed, critiqued, compared, admired, dismissed, etc. but I have yet to feel intellectually satisfied regarding the sheath design, beyond coming to the conclusion that whomever came up with it, had a fair bit of understanding on how and who the knife was intended for. It seems, to me, the sheath was not just an afterthought, I like that.

Finally, I thought I would seek some knowledge and also ask the masses about their opinions on what features you would incorporate into a sheath for this particular type of knife/kit? Feel free to share thoughts, ideas, pics, etc. on what you carry, why, what inspired your choices.

To be fair, here is a little about me and why I posted this novela…

I am an avid outdoorsman, to include camping, hunting, fishing, and bushcraft. I have collected, used, modified/customized and built my own gear from camp stoves, camping trailers and tents, fishing tackle, archery equipment handguns and long guns from muzzleloader to my most recent acquisition a 450 Bushmaster AR style platform. I do leatherwork, have built wood stoves, chuck boxes, even custom welded an old truck bed frame into a camp trailer with a custom roof rack for a rooftop tent and awning. Granted I am now in my 50s and have very talented family and friends who have been instrumental as subject matter experts from time to time.

My recent acquisition of a Military issued OKC 3S, with sheath has me working out ideas to come up with ideas on how I want to incorporate carry and use of this blade into y hunting and camping kit. As I said, the Mil-Spec sheath has a very versatile design and functionality, so I am in no hurry /need to do anything but enjoy it, but still…

Hope I didn’t put you to sleep… and thank you for your thoughts and input.
Usually one should actually use the knife and sheath frequently enough to notice any faults or features it may be lacking. Then proceed from there with any modifications to oversome those shortcomings.
Can you tell us what you feel is the problem with the stock OKC35 sheath?
No problem at all with it, with the possible exception of the worn elastic webbing on the tip of the sheath. Not a show stopper tho.

I was mostly interested in any information on who designed it? How it came to be used as the standard issue for the knife/bayonet? Its predecessor didn’t have the same style or features, so I was curious if anyone was familiar with its history?
OK. You wrote so much wasn't sure what your main point was. Got it.