Semi-Sabbatical, Yay!


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
Some of you may have noticed things slow down for me on the forum. Today, I get to celebrate the biggest reason why and greet my new baby girl to the world. It's an exciting, scary, and crazy time but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

So, I know I have been slow on putting in some content here lately and this post is to say that things will be even slower for the next couple months as I work on the family expansion and get the house things ready for her.

I still need to get the little boy outside any chance we can so I suspect that will be most of the content here for a little bit, camping, hiking, chopping wood, starting fires mostly responsibly, and teaching the boy how to be a big brother.

I have plenty of new ideas and projects already in the works but they'll move at a snail's pace for now. 2021 is looking to be a great year and while 2020 had some craziness going on it was still very productive and led to considerable growth for me, my family, and Good Knife Co.

I look forward to keeping things rolling in 2021, we'll just be a little slow this winter.

I hope this winter treats you all well.
Congratulations Chad. Don't be a stranger!