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Severtech update

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As I posted back in April you guys need to check with Aaron. In April I sent him a MO for a new Black Black as that was all he has in stock right now. He is not currently building but did have stock. If you want one call/email him.

Or righty lefty as the case my be.
Sorry Mark, I think that this Lefty is as close to a "never sell" as any knife I have ever owned. I got it here from another member who I believe wishes he had never sold it. I will put you down as someone to contact when my estate is being sold off after my death. :D
Just curious, has Severtech ever put out a drop point production model, or is the spartan my only option for a drop point? Thanks!

jmikesteen said:
Sorry Mark, I think that this Lefty is as close to a "never sell" as any knife I have ever owned. I got it here from another member who I believe wishes he had never sold it. I will put you down as someone to contact when my estate is being sold off after my death. :D

Harumphh! And that one's served in both sandboxes...

Winter001, I believe the high-dollar Spartan is the only drop-point option.
Hi JW, yep you are right and I am not sure what it would take to get another one made right now. And Mr. Birch, I will be forever grateful for selling me this lefty.
Question for Someone in the know with Severtech. I sent my blade to Severtech to get cleaned up right but I have not heard anything from them and their phone has been disconnected. I am going to the sandbox soon and I need that blade back asap. If anyone has any info on whta is going on in Tucson I would really appreciate it.
I just heard from Aaron by e-mail regarding availability. Maybe he'll return an e-mail.
I am also very curious about that. I contacted Aaron via email a few weeks ago and he responded back promptly letting me know that he didn't have any immediate plans for leftys but severtecher would keep us up to date.
Any chance that either the Spartan or the regular right hand model will be available soon?
02/01/08 11:58 PM - Post#1437889
In response to payj

GREAT NEWS for those of us who use the propper hand. The LEFT of course. Here is a not I just got from Aaron.

Hello Mike,

I am working like crazy on the left handed run now. We are about a week away from going to heat treat with the blades. If you know any left handers that are waiting for knives, please express my apologies for taking so long. I really appreciate their patience.

Best regards,

Aaron @ Severtech
I got on his list last week.

Aaron said

"Hello Rick,

I regret to inform you that my anodizer dosen't do camo any more. I have yet to find another to do this finish. I hope black will be acceptable? I also do not have clip points as standard models. I am doing a few Spartans in left hand, but these are copies of the knife I did for the movie and require hand shaping. Due to the fact that I have no belt sander skills, the hand shaping doubles my time in the knife, and also the price. Are you interested in a lefty Spatrtan? If not I have put your name on the list for a standard left hand in black with no serrations. Thank you very much for your request and please let me know if the above mentioned is satisfactory.

Best regards,

Aaron @ Severtech"
I got on his list last week.

Aaron said

"Hello Rick,

...... I am doing a few Spartans in left hand, but these are copies of the knife I did for the movie and require hand shaping. Due to the fact that I have no belt sander skills, the hand shaping doubles my time in the knife.....

LOL!!!! In other words, a true "One of a Kind "
Not one of a kind but there are not many, after I got these two I pollished the blades to a mirror finnish. the top one is showing of reflection of the top of my head as I took the picture.
Tom Krein does a re-grind on severtechs that change it from an americanized tanto to make it a rounded belly / clip point with a swedge. You can contact him, the service should not be that expensive, certainly cheaper than paying for a spartan model.
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