Shot show Buckmaster info

sorry, not feelin' it
different handle perhaps
pretty franken.
but since it could be a prototype...?
imo, the handle on the original '80's
buckmaster light was a tad too wide.
large hands may have the upper hand
when it comes to having a good grip.
placing scales might help address
this and comfort issues.
its going to be a thrill to see more pictures!
Rich does mention you can get ahold of Buck to get on a list for updates and or more information.
I've had the afternoon to mull it over. The handle put me off pretty quick but like jbmonkey and Makael said... better pics would help to make a real opinion. The pictures are artsy but you really don't see the knife details clearly.

Who are the two people in the pictures.. white shirt and black shirt with skulls?
"lefty on the podcast" .... that did not help me.... What does that mean Craig?

It just occurred to me what the knife reminds me of... a Saguaro Cactus!!

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podcast is a talk show from the shot show----google it and you should be able to find and lefty and the commander are going to be talking about the new buckmaster and other knives...
Just curious...considering all the interest in the original, why not just reissue it?
I've bit my tongue as long as I

Hollow handle knives are for movies (thanks Raven). Just not as strong and reliable as a full tang.

Why on earth would an elite warrior even consider taking one of his survival tools and potential last line of defense weapon out of its scabbard, tie a string to it and hook it into a rock outcropping to tether his lunch for later and risk losing that piece of kit???

Right... it's not going to happen. If they're trained to do so, that is mind boggling as well.

Looks like crafty marketing to me.

Perhaps it was discontinued because the Rambo movies ran their course?

My opinion of course, which I'm allowed.
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