Show off them Piggies!

Nov 13, 2013
Chris' successful guardless Warthog preorder is all wrapped up and people have had some time now to enjoy and explore those awesome custom ordered knives. Lets seem 'em!

Sometimes I am too dumb to see a good thing, and I did not get a slot on this preorder. In any case, here are my hogs...

OD Razorback, Bog Oak Warthog

Sweet pic. I to have a monefeltro, actually two in 20ga. The sweetest, lightest shotgun I’ve held. And it points like a laser.
Thanks Bob! I agree completely. This is my favorite shotgun. I get a little grief from the guys since I'm shooting a 20ga, that is until I out shoot them. ;) I debated for several weeks on which 20ga to get, glad I went with this one. I've been wanting to pick up a 12ga Benelli but haven't decided which one I want yet.
I don’t have a Warthog any longer, but I do still have its bigger brother. The Razorback is a more comfortable size in my hand.

The blade size is similar to the “K” Apache. Both of these knives are very comfortable in hand. The Razorback handle feels more locked-in and secure if you are planning to do some hard work. The “K” Apache handle feels more open & nimble to me. Something to think about if you can only afford one or the other. I prefer the “K” Apache a little more if I was forced to choose.
