SITREP - A Collaboration with David Mary


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
These are now available. We have many handle configurations available.

Description: The SITREP (Scalpel In Times Requiring Extra Preparedness) is our answer to a utility fighting knife. The SITREP is going to slice well while also being durable and reliable so you don't have to feel bad about beating it through wood, doors, bone, wire, and most things we abuse our knives with. We chose a finer tip than most survival knives will have because we believe piercing and slicing at the tip is more important in a utility situation and if you have to use this for protection against human or animal, we want it to create a wound easily. However, we did give the knife a bend more towards utility that fighting but the balance and weight of the knife is going to feel quite great in hand.

We chose AEB-L because we believe the ease of maintenance of stainless combined with the amazing toughness that AEB-L has was a great steel choice for something you can take with you anywhere or leave stored in a go-back or vehicle for long durations without the worry of corrosion.

The handle is designed to be secure and ergonomic. It will be a little thinner than what we're used to because the handle is tall so it indexes really well, taking a cue from the Becker BK62, so there is little worry about the knife rotating in hand while pushing it through your work. The tang will be exposed to smashing and hammering needs. This adds additional utility to the knife while bringing the weight back towards the handle to give the blade tip more agility for quick and accurate movements.




Rough Specs:
Steel: AEB-L hardened to 60-61 by Jarod Todd
Blade thickness: 5/32" at spine
Blade Length: 6 and 5/8"
Handle Length: 5"
OAL: 11.75"

We have one drop point.

Several have gaps in around the pin. This will not affect performance but it will affect the aesthetics.


The imgur video below is what we have available. I will be listing these in the exchange later this week.

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Thread is open, thank you for the patience.
Here's one taken to a coarse satin finish. When these are done, the satin finish will be similar to the above, but will be taken through from coarse, to medium, to fine. Also, note the one below is not yet sharpened (just mentioning it because you will probably notice light reflecting on the edge just behind the tip).

Note the full stock thickness all the way out to the tip, which tapers very abruptly, keeping good strength the whole length of the knife. The edge at the tip will be a bit more robust in thickness and obtuse for strength, while sill being narrow in profile and featuring a radiused swedge to aid in penetration with a minimal loss of material. The primary bevel is also ground very thin from the heel to the belly to allow high performance cutting and slicing. This knife is a calculated balance of strength and slicing geared towards performance and toughness in all the right places. I am super excited about this project, and hope to have the first one completed next week. Chad has kindly gifted me one of these blanks for myself, so that will be the first one I finish, and am donating it back to the project by shipping it out for review at a YouTube channel yet to be announced (but which I have already selected). It will be one of the black paper micarta and camo G10 handled versions.

Many have contacted us to express interest in this project, but nothing is official on the books as of yet. To place an order and reserve your knife and handle selections, please post in this thread with yout handle of choice from Chad's list above, or contact Chad aka bikerector bikerector directly via forum messaging or at GoodKnifeCo at gmail dot com.

Thank you!
On top of the handle selection, we have 4 blade blanks with a little extra material left on for some customization for y'all. Handles are going onto the knives this week for the standard design and then we'll do some different blade shapes.

If you want something almost like The SITREP but a slight variation, let us know. Want a different tip? More or less belly? Nessmuk looking curves on the blade? Let us know and we can get that worked out for you. There shouldn't an extra charge unless the design is really intricate but we'll discuss that with you in advance to committing to something.
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Who wouldn't want a .162" thick, 7" blade tanto in AEB-L at RC 60-61? ;) Just as an example of the possibilities. There were five of those, but I am buying one, hence Chad's reference to only four, and the one I buy I'll probably make into a 7" seax/reverse tanto, something like this.


As you can see, there is a lot room for customization on this big slab of AEB-L. Again, these are not set in stone yet, but only examples of what is possible, and I highly urge you to get in touch with Chad to claim one of these before someone else does. You'll be hard pressed to find another opportunity to have such a high level of customization in a custom knife in this steel at this price:

The first series of Sitreps in AEB-L at RC 61 is nearly done. These are black paper micarta and camo G10. Awaiting stencils so I can put the mark on, and a little bit of finishing up left to do. Get in touch with Chad, aka bikerector bikerector if you want one of these. These ones will be ready to ship this week (pending the arrival of the stencils, which were shipped to me last week). One of the four with carbon fiber pins is already spoken for, but the rest are available including the one with stainless pins.

After making a few of the thicker handled versions, we are going to offer a few more like that. So we'll have two thickness, 0.66" for the thinner handle and 0.91" for the thicker handle. The thin handles will be good for large hands and smaller because of the tall handle and the thick handles will be good for large hands and larger for our big-handed brethren.
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Good stuff
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I like the profile, just not sure on handle shape and geometry. I like a palm swell to fill my hand but I think the taller spine might accomplish the same feel. Only way to be sure is to get it in hand, right? So I'll take one in the original blade profile, handled in black canvas Micarta with brass pins and tube.
I like the profile, just not sure on handle shape and geometry. I like a palm swell to fill my hand but I think the taller spine might accomplish the same feel. Only way to be sure is to get it in hand, right? So I'll take one in the original blade profile, handled in black canvas Micarta with brass pins and tube.

Thank you sir. I've written this down so we can set that one aside for you. If you can email me at we can continue the conversation there, or leave me contact information so I can reach out to you when the black canvas knife is complete. It should be pretty soon.
I like the profile, just not sure on handle shape and geometry. I like a palm swell to fill my hand but I think the taller spine might accomplish the same feel. Only way to be sure is to get it in hand, right? So I'll take one in the original blade profile, handled in black canvas Micarta with brass pins and tube.

David says his computer's not working so this is what he could get with his phone for now, so sorry for the poor quality pictures. Please email me for further discussion.


custom and regular sitrep.jpg
So, I don't know if anyone out there is still on the fence about picking one of these up, but I highly recommend it. Granted, I haven't had an opportunity to take take mine out and put it through it's paces but my initial impressions are extremely favorable. I opted for a standard SITREP and a custom. Both of them feature the thicker micarta handles. I'm very pleased with the choice I made in terms of handles. I don't think of myself as having particularly huge hands, but the thicker handle allows me a firm hold in a variety of grips. Since most of you here will be interested in the SITREP and not the custom. I will focus on that from here on out. It looks like it would heavy. But, the thing is, it doesn't feel it. It clocked in at a little over 12 ounces on my cheap scale, but feels lighter in hand. Balance is a little after the first tube. It feels simultaneously fast but substantial. Though that could be a byproduct of the thicker handle. Either way, the blade feels quick and like it could take a reasonable beating. I would also like to take the time to mention that dealing with David and Chad was simply a pleasure. I have purchased from David ( David Mary David Mary ) before and I am never let down by the quality of work he produces. And also, he's a great guy to talk to. This was the first I've dealt with Chad ( bikerector bikerector ) and it was great. He was fantastic to deal with. Since I didn't have a chance to thoroughly test the SITREP, I took some measurements and stuck them in an Imgur album. Hopefully they'll help someone who is curious. But, really, if you're interested contact Chad or David. They're great guys and they will be able to answer your questions better than me.

TLDR: I'm very pleased with my SITREP and it's fat cousin. I think you will be too. So, if you're thinking about ordering, just do it.
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So, I don't know if anyone out there is still on the fence about picking one of these up, but I highly recommend it. Granted, I haven't had an opportunity to take take mine out and put it through it's paces but my initial impressions are extremely favorable. I opted for a standard SITREP and a custom. Both of them feature the thicker micarta handles. I'm very pleased with the choice I made in terms of handles. I don't think of myself as having particularly huge hands, but the thicker handle allows me a firm hold in a variety of grips. Since most of you here will be interested in the SITREP and not the custom. I will focus on that from here on out. It looks like it would heavy. But, the thing is, it doesn't feel it. It clocked in at a little over 12 ounces on my cheap scale, but feels lighter in hand. Balance is a little after the first tube. It feels simultaneously fast but substantial. Though that could be a byproduct of the thicker handle. Either way, the blade feels quick and like it could take a reasonable beating. I would also like to take the time to mention that dealing with David and Chad was simply a pleasure. I have purchased from David ( David Mary David Mary ) before and I am never let down by the quality of work he produces. And also, he's a great guy to talk to. This was the first I've dealt with Chad ( bikerector bikerector ) and it was great. He was fantastic to deal with. Since I didn't have a chance to thoroughly test the SITREP, I took some measurements and stuck them in an Imgur album. Hopefully they'll help someone who is curious. But, really, if you're interested contact Chad or David. They're great guys and they will be able to answer your questions better than me.

TLDR: I'm very pleased with my SITREP and it's fat cousin. I think you will be too. So, if you're thinking about ordering, just do it.

Thank you so much for the kind words about Dave and me along with the SITREPs. It was a pleasure working with you and I hope both of those work very well for you. I would love to hear how the reverse tanto treats you when you get some time into it.

Chad Rector
I'm very pleased with my SITREP and it's fat cousin. I think you will be too. So, if you're thinking about ordering, just do it.

Wow, thank you for such a positive review!

Today I finally finished the handles on all the Sitreps other than the customs. The thick handled ones all share the same basic geometry as yours and as a nice surprise, the smooth G10 ones actually got more grippy when my hands were wet (I do my hand sanding of handles with water). The handles are super comfortable too. I make sure it's something I would use and enjoy before I call it done.

I have an observance tomorrow, but am hoping to have all the rest of the non-custom Sitreps etched, sheathed and sharpened by Thursday morning so they can be ready to ship that afternoon.

Lastly working with Chad is very easy, as he is a humble and down to earth guy who has a vision and goes after it. Chad's idea of success includes helping others to succeed along the way; that is just one of the reasons I appreciate him and his willingness to work with me.
The rest of the SITREP's are nearly complete. I think some of you guys are going to like what we did with the spare custom blanks we had leftover.

A sleeker, stabbier version.


A drop point with a more neutral, rounded handle.

And there's one more with the standard handle a more rounded drop point than the standard (middle). Sneek peak on a few other things we're working on :cool:, and a baron seax for my personal use which is a David Mary design that's been working well for folks.