Still shaking my head in amazement

Nov 25, 2001
My two week old daughter had me up at 4AM this morning.Got my self a cup of tea,her a bottle and settled down in front of the TV to flip through the Bow Flex,cook ware,get rich quick infomecials.Suddenly the home shopping network caught my eye. Displayed on the screen was a whole boat load of big knives.They looked like knives from frost cutlery.The guy selling them would have made snake oil salesmen of the old west proud.Yep, they were Frost knives all right,21 pieces in all and each one uglier than the next.The high points of this guys sales pitch were as follows.
1.blades were 440 stainless (these blades were so shiny they looked like they were chromed)
2.They had RUGGED full and 2/3rds,in some models,RAT TAIL tangs (that's supposed to impress me?!:eek: )
3.All blade were stamped out by machine so each one was unique (!?!?!)
4. Any knife collection with out this set wasn't comeplete!:rolleyes:
5.Price,even thuogh each of these knives would easily retail for 50,80,or even 100 bucks.He would sacrafice and let the whole set go for just 2 easy payments of $164! (That's $328 total and $15.61 each)
Ok,There's 5 minutes left in the offer and the sets are going fast,so I'd better act fast to get in on this once in a life time offer,But wait! Just to sweeten the deal the guy was willing to throw in a "Black Beards Revenge" cutless,again 440 blade with a genuine cast aluminum handle and guard :rolleyes: .
Still not sold? Even though the guy hawking his wares was "crazy" (his words) He would throw in a two handed sword (a fantasy number). Again alumimun handle and get this,a 440/aluminum blade!?! The wieght of this sword was "a full 15 Pounds" :eek: "a Knight on any medevil battle field would have been proud to have wielded this weapon" :barf: .
What amazed me was the guy openly pointed out all features that made these "blades" crap and was using them as a sales pitch. Makes me wonder how many people took the time and called in the spend money on this garbage.
By the time the last five minutes was up.I laughing so hard I woke the wife and disturbed the bady enough I didn't see the bed again until 6 AM.
I saw that. What a friggin tool! Maybe he didn't know what he was selling. Most regular people can't tell from a cheapo to a custom though! As long as you didn't but into this you are o.k. The one I saw he called one of the knives a Navy Seal knife. I laughed for ever after that remark. :rolleyes:
I've seen this on a couple of shopping networks. One features 2 guys selling this junk. Strange thing is, they seem to know a little something about cutlery. The smaller fellow seems fairly familiar with Japanese sword terminology, and they both make references to how the folders they sell are very similar in appearance to much more expensive models (not bothering to mention names, of course) Even once mentioned how a stick katana they were selling looked exactly like a $600 version that one of them owned. What a bargain.