Storing liner locks

Jan 2, 2002
i have one auto and I've read that it/they should not be stored with the blade closed leaving tension on the spring. Liner locks are just springs so does it harm them to store them with the blade closed and therefore tension on the "spring"?
I can't imagine it would. The difference is, the spring on an automatic has to be strong enough to throw the blade open, while the springiness of a liner lock is only enough to move itself over a fraction of an inch to block the tang. So there just isn't that much tension there, compared to the strength of the materials involved.

I have an LUDT myself, and I prefer to store it closed, for safety -- I don't like an open blade lying around. If this weakens the spring, just as if playing with it too much weakens the spring, I'll spring for a new spring.
With an auto, there's a large amount of "stored energy" involved, so storing them open makes sense. Liner locks are a whole different story. I don't see how storing them closed would have any negative long-term effects.
Even open a liner should still have tension to hold it in place behind the blade. The difference in tension b/w open and closed probably isn't much.