Strange messaging issue

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Gold Member
Oct 11, 2019
I initially messaged Blues Blues about this, he suggested I post here.

I sent a private message to another user today. I hovered their name in a posting and selected "send message" for target-selection.

When I checked my inbox listing, the message showed it was sent to a different user, yesterday. Which is not possible even if I am crazy, because the post I was replying to was made today.

And then the person I intended to send it to replied.

All of which I find inexplicable. I'm not posting the screenshots I sent Blues because I don't want to share people's usernames and such without consent. This is all visible in my inbox, I assume the operators here have a mechanism to see that. (Also happy to provide whatever info I can, of course, if that's incorrect.)
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No idea, we can’t see your messages nor do I know what browser, OS or device you were using
This looks pretty clearly server-side, but: Safari 17.4, MacOS 12.7.4, this machine is a ca. 2016 Macbook air.

I am happy to share whatever is useful, please let me know what.
This looks pretty clearly server-side, but: Safari 17.4, MacOS 12.7.4, this machine is a ca. 2016 Macbook air.

I am happy to share whatever is useful, please let me know what.
snuffle snuffle

add Spark Spark to both conversations so that he can see from inside the conversations whatever info may be available.
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