Strider Knives

Oso Grande,

I have a Model WB that I got here on the forums and have another custom on order with the guys at Strider.

Check their website for more information.

This is one HEFTY tool. 1/4 inch thick ATS-34 heat treated by Paul Bos. Some would describe it as a sharpened crowbar but that description is an insult to the knife.

Don't get me wrong, the knife is stout and heavy. It also takes a scary sharp edge and seems to keep it darn near forever.

In case you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of my WB. I've used it while clearing the property behind my house to chop down trees and bushes and to make sawdust out of everything that I had cut down.

The cord wrap is amazing and, while a little hard on the hands after heavy chopping, seems to remain "grippy" (if that's a word.)

Also, Strider has an unconditional guarantee that is really UNCONDITIONAL. There isn't anything that says you can't dig with the knife or shoot it with your 12 ga. If it breaks--highly unlikely--they'll replace it no questions asked.

Contact them if you have questions. Mick, Duane, and Cormac are great guys and would be more than willing to take a minute out of their day to answer any questions you may have.

I hope this information helps.
