Surface grinder fun...building a belt arm...

Mark Terrell

Jun 23, 2006
I did this a few months ago, but just now remembered the pictures... I finally got around to building the belt arm attachment for the surface grinder after it sat in my shop for 2 years and became a makeshift bench....

Anyway, I started out with a 10 X 2.5 round of aluminum, a 3 X 36 round and some other various pieces of aluminum....

Here's a pic of the round that will cover the spindle arm on the grinder.... Later I milled a radius out of this and drilled through holes so it would bolt on to the original plate on the surface grinder..


I milled a channel for a piece of stainless square tubing (1.5 X 1.5 X 30) which is the tension control arm that the small wheel rests on...


After the round has been formed, drilled etc.... I milled a channel in it for the arm holder/channel to mount in.... It's drilled and tapped on both sides and from underneath to hold it in..... In the center of it, there's a hole drilled with a 5/16 Ti rod inserted....Over that goes a compression spring so you have resistance against the arm to keep slack out of the belt......


Obviously I've skipped listing a few steps, but if someone needs to know them, let me know and I can draw up some detailed plans....

Here's a few more pics after the wheels are mounted etc....




All in all, it wasn't near the undertaking that I thought it would be, but it took a while.... The main thing that took forever to get done was the freaking milling of that channel...

Thats pretty cool, surface grinders sure are handy :thumbup:

Nice clean looking shop you have there as well, you must make your knives else where :D