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Bad Survive! Deserves A Permanent Post In The Hall Of Shame

I'm not reading all of that because in the first paragraph you have already shown that you have no idea what's going on.

Yes percentages are numbers but you have to know what the percentages represent to know what the numbers mean- information lacking on your graphic.

If I tell a random stranger that only 30% of bladeforums are users and the rest are bots as far as they know that could mean there are 3 numbers or their are 300,000,000.

This isn't deflection, it is absolute common sense going back to the original point in a response to your assertion that there are currently thousands of unfulfilled orders- you have absolutely nothing to substantiate that claim, and I continue to be unsure if you ever realize what that means.
No, this is a lack of the required IQ threshold needed to understand the topic at hand or maybe just a compete refusals to even try and see the whole picture. Let’s hope it’s the latter. The exact numbers are irrelevant, and for you to get hung up on that little tid bit tells us all we need to know….as I said in the post that you can’t even bother to properly read let alone retort. Whether guy failed to deliver 3 or 300,000,000 orders, he still screwed people over. I know it was more than 3 as you’ll find many more than that through this 5,700+ reply thread you refuse to entertain. He still lied repeatedly through his teeth. He still in his own words said he would fight against people trying to get refunds. I experienced it first hand and he was not being meteorological.
Here’s a list of a few of the questions I asked you that you failed to even acknowledge:
What is survives rating with the better business bureau?

What would all of Guy’s past business partners have to say about him?

Have you considered contacting the PA DA to see if they have an opinion on survive?

What does the knife community at this forum and the big bushcraft forum think of survive?

Why did guy remove his outstanding orders page?

What is your excuse for guy sitting on 9 year old 3v orders while pumping out new models? I also asked if you could explain why I should care what you say about gso 12s about to ship since you saw some completed blades, when I pointed out 3 year old videos of guy saying how they were in sharpening/wrapping up/x months etc. I asked you to when acknowledge the videos.

Would you ever have 9 year old orders? 5 year? 3? How many years is too long on a stock removal mid tech knife?

Funny you keep mentioning my reading comprehension when you (act like you?) can’t even understand how you’re shilling. You yourself said Jon was a friend, and I know you supposedly value honor. Obviously you feel some friendship to Jon and some brotherly duty to defend his honor. You’re shilling Survive because your friend heavily invested in them and you want to believe he will turn it around, all the while refusing to actually look into this guy character. He is a bold faced liar but you would rather just talk about how survive is turning ship now and dismiss the very knife communities you pretend to represent.
Once again a giant comment that I won't read because it was stupid in the first paragraph.

You never asked any of those questions, and none of them are relevant to what I said in the video.

You have to make up questions to say I deflected that you never even asked, and you couldn't even act like they were decent questions.

As far as shilling and your reading comprehension- like I said the first 2 videos I had done were before Jon, and also like I already said I told Jon that I am holding him extra accountable- you don't understand honor if you think honor means defending a friend. Honor is defending what is right and what is true.

Imho idk why I am even still in this, I might as well play chess with pigeons or tell some ai program to argue with me about something stupid smh
No, this is a lack of the required IQ threshold needed to understand the topic at hand or maybe just a compete refusals to even try and see the whole picture. Let’s hope it’s the latter. The exact numbers are irrelevant, and for you to get hung up on that little tid bit tells us all we need to know….as I said in the post that you can’t even bother to properly read let alone retort. Whether guy failed to deliver 3 or 300,000,000 orders, he still screwed people over. I know it was more than 3 as you’ll find many more than that through this 5,700+ reply thread you refuse to entertain. He still lied repeatedly through his teeth. He still in his own words said he would fight against people trying to get refunds. I experienced it first hand and he was not being meteorological.
To think you can talk about an iq threshold is hilarious especially when just a few comments ago you explained how muting a commentor was above your ability to understand lol

You say the exact numbers are irrelevant and yet you have spent all this time defending your assertion that there are thousands of unfulfilled orders based on absolutely nothing and your idea of proof is a bunch of percentages with no key.

Holy heck.

I guess if you want to be this dense go do it on my video. At least that way I get benefit from it, my time is too valuable to deal with such silliness here. Tarnation.
Once again a giant comment that I won't read because it was stupid in the first paragraph.

You never asked any of those questions, and none of them are relevant to what I said in the video.

You have to make up questions to say I deflected that you never even asked, and you couldn't even act like they were decent questions.

As far as shilling and your reading comprehension- like I said the first 2 videos I had done were before Jon, and also like I already said I told Jon that I am holding him extra accountable- you don't understand honor if you think honor means defending a friend. Honor is defending what is right and what is true.

Imho idk why I am even still in this, I might as well play chess with pigeons or tell some ai program to argue with me about something stupid smh
Why are you still in this when you refuse to even read my comments, then lie. You are a match made in heaven with survive.
To think you can talk about an iq threshold is hilarious especially when just a few comments ago you explained how muting a commentor was above your ability to understand lol

You say the exact numbers are irrelevant and yet you have spent all this time defending your assertion that there are thousands of unfulfilled orders based on absolutely nothing and your idea of proof is a bunch of percentages with no key.

Holy heck.

I guess if you want to be this dense go do it on my video. At least that way I get benefit from it, my time is too valuable to deal with such silliness here. Tarnation.
I’ll let others who read the exchange decide for themselves.
Please point to where I have made any arguments towards exact numbers, thanks. Maybe had you read my replies, like one typically does in a good faith discussion or argument, you would have seen where I already addressed this.
This isn't deflection, it is absolute common sense going back to the original point in a response to your assertion that there are currently thousands of unfulfilled orders- you have absolutely nothing to substantiate that claim, and I continue to be unsure if you ever realize what that means.
Survive's Youtube channel shows hundreds of blades on the floor. So is your assertion that there are only a few hundred orders outstanding? Because, if that's the case, then they've been producing a small quantity of knives.

Let's use 2022 as an example. In 8/23, they were 33.4% completed with orders. In 2/24, they were 39.8% completed. So if there were 1000 orders in 2022, that means they only made 156 knives in 6 months. If they only have a few hundred orders outstanding, that means they only made a fraction of that number in 6 months.

So either, they have thousands of orders outstanding or they are only making a few hundred knives in 6 months. That's simple math.

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A couple of one week thread bans have been issued. Anyone else?
So either, they have thousands of orders outstanding or they are only making a few hundred knives in 6 months. That's simple math.

Perhaps they don't have thousands of incoming orders...anymore. it's not hard to sharpen 300 mysteriously sourced blade blanks and slap on some grips. Considering the turnover of his staff it might be Guy trying to run all that equipment alone at this point.
From what I've read his previous closest confidant is legally leaving too.
The gentleman from the beach said that for all he knows Guy is the person we're asserting he is. We really shouldn't blame him because he got a free knife for a promise of a review and then made the review positive. If I were getting free knives in an exchange for good reviews I'd do it too. That's a sideline, like when celebrities endorse products. There's a word for that but it escapes me at the moment.
How many free.knives would he get if he posted a truthful bad review? Don't blame a man because he won't kill the goose that lays free knives.
I bought my first survive just recently, an edc4, from Arizona custom knives, then traded it for a gso3.5.

I wonder if clarifying things will help people here or just encourage everyone to further froth at the mouth with random accusations and lies.

If Guy is as bad as yall say he is, which he very well could be, yall deserve each other.

you need to consider that many here purchased Survives knives as far back as 8 or 9 years ago and still have received nothing except empty promises, followed by more empty promises, followed by shovels full of increasingly absurd excuses. Glad you received what you paid for buying on the secondary market. Might be worth mulling on why many others in a very long line have not when ordering directly from Guy.

I will give Guy credit for one positive move, which is turning off all preorders on the website.
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beachmaster beachmaster

It's time for Guy to publish figures in absolute numbers instead of as a percent.
He owes it to people who have been waiting nearly a decade.
He's built his company on preorder money that's been spent ages ago, and a whole host of excuses where, surprise, it's not his fault- don't be mad at him. He put himself in a position where he needs investors to help fix the problem.

Every other professional relationship Guy's had has blown up and burned to the ground.
If I was invested in S!K, I would be extremely nervous.

I will give Guy credit for one positive move, which is turning off all preorders on the website.

The fact that there's still a preorders place holder bothers me.
He doesn't say he's done with preorders, merely that there aren't any available at this time.
He's still asking for money before the knives are complete.
It's the same thing that got him in his current mess.

beachmaster beachmaster

If you are actually working with them, can you please ask Guy and Ellie to process my refund? I asked for it in march, they said april, its now may.

They wont answer any emails or messages.
I have read Jacob’s gibberish responses here and watched his video on S!K. It seems that gist his message is that there is a new minority owner at S!K. Jacob believes that the new owner is working and hard putting in long hours, and that this is going to “fix” S!K. Although there is no real evidence that there is a change in ownership or that the new owner is working hard, I’ll assume that this is true. So, the question is can a new owner injecting a lot of hours into S!K really “fix” the company’s problems?

The way I see it, there are three main issues at S!K. First is that Guy started S!K without knowing how to build knives or run a manufacturing company. He has picked up some things over the last decade, but anyone that knows manufacturing can see that he is pretty ignorant about the basics of design, prototyping and manufacturing operations.

Second, Guy has no clue how to run a business. There are a ton of examples of this, but the most obvious is that after a decade S!K still cannot reliably answer emails or ship orders in a timely manner. They also apparently have no money for refunds and have destroyed their relationships with suppliers to such a degree that neither Peter nor NSM will work with them.

Finally, (and I believe that this is the biggest issue), Guy and Ellie appear to be very ethically challenged. I am trying to be polite here, but there are a lot of examples of Guy and Ellie outright lying to customers. They let old orders (some from as long ago as 2015) gather dust while they work on new designs and sales. They readily blame suppliers, employees, partners and whatever else they can think of for their failures.

It is possible that the new owner an fix the first and second issue if they have expertise running a knife manufacturing company. I see no evidence that the new owner has such expertise, but he might. I don’t see how the new owner will fix Guy’s ethics… At the end of the day, Guy is the problem and a new minority owner is not going to change that.
Many recent posts assume facts not (yet) in evidence and are being discussed as if they are. This does no one any favors.

When I report things here, it's not hearsay or speculation, I actually speak with, or communicate via PM with, the actual folks involved. And then report back to you what is not privileged information that I have been given permission to share.

I understand that SK is not forthcoming and providing the facts, numbers and useful data, and most of what they publish is self-serving...but that does not give license to our members to make up their own facts.

Please stick to what you know to be true, either from direct personal experience, or info received from the horse's mouth.

We have to be better than those we hold to account for their failure to live up to their promises.
I still remember when Guy stated unequivocally that he considered "refunds" to be completed orders. This appeared to be the sole source of those micro-incremental changes in the number percentages. Imagine being a company, and the only thing making the numbers on your obscene backlog any smaller was you actually issuing refunds. Shameful. I'm still blown away that this YouBoober is attempting the "You don't know anything!" approach with those of us who cared to engage on this backlog chart, a chart that up until what, March of this year, Scumbag! Knives provided themselves. That blows my mind. Do we really think this guy got that entire backlog up to snuff in two months time...when he hasn't delivered knives to some of these customers in nine, eight, seven, etc. years? Knives, which by the way, let's all remember: won't be what people ordered. Where is Guy going to get Delta 3V blades? What about Cru-Forge? Any chance he's going to be able to complete all MagnaCut knives? What about designs that he's not making anymore? Or rather, made once but may never make again? In case you try the same runaround on me Jacob, these facts are not in dispute, and I reject any insinuation or statement on your part that you know any more about this company, its history, or its owners than we do. That is false, period. Guy should have been issuing refunds for products he was no longer capable of producing long ago, instead of fighting tooth and nail with his constant vanishing act to avoid paying people back their money.

So, what is this new co-owner going to do about all of these factors? Is he going to make knives? Heh, so much for getting knives made by the super famous Guy Seifert, amirite?
...Guy should have been issuing refunds for products he was no longer capable of producing long ago, instead of fighting tooth and nail with his constant vanishing act to avoid paying people back their money.
Guy has stated in a few of his videos that the delay in producing the BIG knives (gso-10 and gso-12) was that Millit (sp?) was supposed to make them. Guy has implied that after the end of the Millit / S!K relationship, he was having trouble figuring out how to make such big blades. I am not going to take the time find the videos where Guy talks about this, but I think it has to do with the big blades warping. To me, this is just another data point showing that Guy is selling stuff he does not know how to make / has not adequately prototyped.
I can't imagine that anyone who followed Survive's saga through the Millit debacle, or the dude who left Millit to join them and help run the company, or the guy from here who invested/loaned them money, or shop move #1, or shop move #2, or shop move #3, or how Sekisui changed the formula for kydex and didn't tell Guy, or how Peter's treated them so badly, or how Niagra did too.....and probably several other things I am forgetting, is going to buy any of this new owner turnaround stuff.

The one common factor that has been there for every failure to deliver that Survive has ever had is still there.
Guy has stated in a few of his videos that the delay in producing the BIG knives (gso-10 and gso-12) was that Millit (sp?) was supposed to make them. Guy has implied that after the end of the Millit / S!K relationship, he was having trouble figuring out how to make such big blades. I am not going to take the time find the videos where Guy talks about this, but I think it has to do with the big blades warping. To me, this is just another data point showing that Guy is selling stuff he does not know how to make / has not adequately prototyped.
This is generally what happens when your job for many years was simply putting together blades and handles made by others and sharpening the knives. I have never understood the hero worship this guy's most fervent supporters had for his products. He didn't even make them. And given the status of the machines in his videos, I absolutely do not believe he has made any knives presently, either.
...the dude who left Millit to join them and help run the company...
That would be Shane. He was front and center with Guy in a lot of videos, until he wasn't. Guy and Shane were using the pronoun "we" a lot while discussing S!Ks future, and then Shane disappeared. It was just another weird chapter in the S!K history.
I wonder if this new part owner did his due diligence before signing on to the circus? Considering the Guy and his knife assembly business are under active investigation in several states for a variety of crimes one would have to be incredibly stupid to know and still sign up for the fall.

The thing about the bonnie and clyde types is you only have to get to one of them then they will happily turn on the other one to legally save themselves. Every single time.