The first knife you bought yourself

The first knife I bought was a stiletto with a "kris" shaped blade. It was sort of a fake switch-blade: it looked like one but it was actually just a lockback.

I got it when I was eleven or twelve. The guy at the counter asked if I had my dad's permission to buy the knife and I simply said "yes" (which was the truth). You probably can't get away with that kind of thing these days!

I'm twenty eight now and I still have the knife. It stays at my desk and gets used for opening mail, but that's about the only task that it could handle anyway.
It was a PIC traditional German stag-handled hunting knife that I bought for $2 plus change in the late '60s while on a family camping trip at Round Lake in upstate NY.
When I got to my first ship, I needed a knife for work, the only chioces were a Buck 110, or a large Case two blade folder. The Old Man wouldn't allow any other choice. I took the 110 because the blade locked. I lost the 110 over the side after about 18 mo. and had to settle for the Case because another 110 was not available, but I never trusted it. I was finally able to switch to a 6" spear point fb when I got to another ship.
Wow...thinking back the first knife that I bought myself was an old Western sheath knife. I think I paid $5.00 at the flea-market. I still have it, it sharpens up great and the curved blade actually makes a great butcher knife during deer season.
mine is the buck 110..i rode my motorcycles all over the state of california and the good ole buck was always with me...i still have that knife and would never part with it...
Bought a Buck 110 in high school when I needed a bigger blade than the one I had on my SAK. Used it for camping and fishing and cutting bamboo in the backyard. Carried it until college, where I discovered the lighter, more portable Spydies -- still have the old 110, though. :)
SAK Vic'.

I forget which model, it was the same as a Tinker just with the corkscrew instead of the philips screwdriver.

I don't have it anymore, because I gradually upgraded to bigger SAK's until I got the Champ. I had a policy of giving the smaller one I was replacing to any younger family member that wanted one as a was to get them started with a good pocket knife.
First knife I ever bought for myself was a Gerber Bolt-Action clip point. It was shortly after it was released, and I'm a sucker for new mechanisms!
The first Quality knife that I bought was a Puma hunter when I was 13 or so. Don't know which model. Someone stole it from me after only a few months. The next quality knife I bought I still have, it is a Buck 110. That would have been when I was about 14 years old.
First knife I remember buying was a no name small stockman from a Thrifty Drug store. I was about 8. About two years later I bought a medium Schrade Old Timer stockman from Sears. My first real knife. I was real proud of the solid metal bolsters and teh high carbon steel blades that would really cut! I never did fall in love with the Delrin handles, but it was a good knife.

The first real serious knife I ever bought was a Buck 110. I just got this knife back after a long seperation and boy is it beat. I bought it about 24 or 25 years ago and abused it for several years before trading it to a painter friend who opened cans with it for years. It's sad to see an old friend like this in such shape and I'm not sure what to do, but I'm glad to have it back.

From there it's been a downhill battle for my wallet, but my knife collection has only gotten better.

Another vote for Buck 110 here. I carried it everyday. I even carried it to school, like most other boys then did and no one thought anything of it.
Bought myself an eyebrand when I was about 13. Took it home, sharpened it up, loaned it to a buddy to cut the plastic spout off a can of varnish. When he went to wipe the blade he sliced his leg open. Took 8 stitches. He never borrowed my knife again.
I bought a Valor Pony II for around $15 from the now defunct Venture department store in the mid 70's. I still have the knife, used the heck out of it and it still looks good. It certainly holds a special place in my heart. :)
I would consider my first real knife to be a Med. Cold Steel Voyager. It is the first that saw everyday carry. Before that I had picked up a couple of Pakistani quality folders which just sort of sat around.

I made my first knives in first grade from a cut up pie plate with tape for the handle. Made plenty for my classmates too. Lost any number of SAKs in the ensuing years, most of which were given me by relatives. But the first high-quality knife I ever bought was an Opinel #8, when I was fifteen. The edge that knife took astounded me, and really sparked my interest in "high-performance" knives.
I remember buying a Pacific Cutlery Bali with the Weehawk blade in 1985 with my own money. Of course my father had to buy it because I was too young. I still have it today!
I had a number of knives growing up that were given to me, but the first knife I bought with my own hard-earned money was a first generation Spyderco Endura. Still have the knife and was my primary EDC for over 10 years.
What first interested me in knives was reading about Bowies, so the first knives that I bought were cheap Bowie blades. The first real knife I bought was a Spyderco Endura and soon after that a Cold Steel Voyager. exact replacement of my Vic SAK, which up to that point I used to get for my birthday -every 4 or 5 years. I still carry this particular SAK, albeit banned into my rucksack right now. The left-frontpocket is playground for more exotic stuff.

All this since only six months BTW; I'm a late starter of this insanity... :D I will however NOT leave the house without that SAK.