THK News, Events and Updates

All the pertinent materials are ready for the Grind-In this weekend. There a couple more knives that will be ready to ship out this week, and the current batch of orders will be heading out for HT. Other than that... I'm gonna be pretty swamped for about the next month, so please bear with me in terms of new incoming orders and clearing out old stock. I sincerely appreciate being this busy!!

In other news, our garden is off to a great start. Miss Angie called me Saturday when she was out-and-about with her mom and asked if she should pick up a couple more pepper plants.... found a good deal on some nice healthy ones. Naturally, I said, "sure, why not?"

She came home with 4 more red chile/cayenne types, 4 more jalapenos, and 4 habaneros... in addition to the several various plants I already have growing. I don't think there will be any shortage of hot sauce or chili powder at the Terrio Compound next year...

If all goes well, I may be begging some of you to take a couple bottles off my hands. ;)
definitely looking forward to this weekend!
is Miss Angie going to wander down at all?
She'll be dropping me off Fri afternoon and probably hanging out with us for a bit Sunday afternoon. She claims to have some ideas for snacks to bring, but I don't know what they will be. She usually puts together something pretty good, though :)
Heck no, that's the first thing I always pack. I would rather be without clean clothes than without a tarp.
Passaround kitchen knife is on its way to the first reviewer, Tripton's filet knife is finished, tjswarbrick's killer Spyderco Domino he lent me to test and review is headed back to him, next Elmax/3V HT batch (including GreyKilt and Spyderphreek's custom Fugitives, plus a couple V2.0 Sidekicks and an entirely new model I'm pretty stoked about) is almost ready to send out, and there will be another few random knives ready for sale in the next few days...
I just saw the filet knife pic. Oh my!!! You absolutely nailed it!
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I just saw the filet knife pic. Oh my!!! You absolutely nailed it!

This ol' thang?


Thanks, brother. I'm proud of it, and I learned a lot from this project. The next ones will be better.
This ol' thang?


Thanks, brother. I'm proud of it, and I learned a lot from this project. The next ones will be better

That's what scares me.:D
SWMBO just bought me a 15 foot surf rod so I can catch some halibut, flounder and surf perch. I hope to be needing a good filet knife soon.
I hope the future ones aren't that much better... :D

I'll post up some more photos if the damn thing ever gets here. :p
Didja get my pm? I'm a little unclear about your shipping addy... not sure how well a package 13+" long will fit in a PO box... thanks!
I got two words for ya...

Ma Deuce.

The prototypes are just going out for HT this week, so it will be some time before I have more to show/tell you... but I think y'all are gonna like 'em.
They ain't neck knives... unless maybe you're a griz or an elephant ;)
In completely other news, I recently learned about something called The Ice Bucket Challenge. As I understand, it just means some maroon posts a video of him/herself dumping a 5-gallon bucket of ice-water over his/her head, and then challenges colleagues and clients to do the same and/or cough up some cash for a charitable cause. Then the folks who got called out get to challenge other folks, and on it goes... good clean fun.

It's a very silly thing to do, but the idea is to raise awareness for people or research that could use some help. So that's actually not silly at all.

Consider this post "fair warning", friends.
