Tru Balance knife collection

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998
Here is a link to the pics of the Tru Bal knives. Keep in mind that I have some special oil on them, but you can get a good idea of what they look like. Keep in mind that some do have rust and the finish is crude on some. That is just the way he made them plus some are close to fifty years old. Just hover over the pic and you will see a letter and number such as C-1. Tell me which pic and which knife in the pic and I can give you a price as I have not priced them all yet. Most will be $150.00 - $200.00 unless it is a rare piece and it will be more. These are not being made anymore and all were made by Harry K. McEvoy prior to his death.

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hi bobby! i want to get into throwing knives. are you going to have some videos at blade show.will the paracord knife i have on my website throw well or do i need something specila for throwin?
thansk alex
Hi Alex, I'll be doing my Knife Throwing seminar 10:00 am Saturday at Blade. You need some real throwing knives for the best results.
Call or e mail me.