UBE Review

Jan 10, 2000
I am seriously thinking about getting an UBE. I am just wondering if my bank account can handle it. Has a review been written for it or can someone offer me some info on it? I am really interested in the approximate length of the handle and blade. I feel it has the perfect blade and handle combination for a kydex sheath I am making for concealed carry. But was wondering if the measurements would work for me. Thanks in advance.
Bandit - I guess there was few spect reviews on UBE in the archives but I don't think there was any field review on it. Currently I have made a special order for a light 18" Saatisal handled UBE (ie. I hope Sonu or Bura will come out with about 1.75 lbs weight of Khukuri) ;)

I myself keep on wondering whether UBE is a revival of an old model or is a modern day Kamis interpretation combining the dual functions of Khukuri as tool and weapon. UBE blade shape shows that it has the strength of AK as a tool and the sleek flow of Chainpuri as a weapon. I guess UBE has the blade weight for chopping and a tapppered end shape for stabbing. I am not good in MA ... maybe some forumites with MA knowledge can give better views on this matter.

Historically it was 1st appeared on HI Bladeforums after Pakcik Bill came back from his BirGorkha visit sometimes in 1999 - it was made by Sonu as a sort of honorary gift from BirGorkha to Pakcik Bill.
The UBE, also "changes" with the mood of the Kami who makes it. What I mean by this is sometimes it is HUGE, Wal has one of these, other times not so huge but rather khukuri size.

Some think Sanu is looking for the 'perfect' balance and size for a UBE, tinkering with the fullers, length and thickness to do so. Others think the Kamis get bored and do the "I wonder if this will work?" routine.

When you get your 'light' UBE give us a review, and maybe some pics.
Take my word for it, the UBE is well worth the money!

(shoot go look at the $$ that you have to fork over for some of the custom bowies and big knives in other forums:barf:, to each his own.)
Mohd, your special order UBE is in the air -- shipped yesterday regular air. It came in at the weight you wanted. I told Gelbu to weigh the billet BEFORE it was given to the kamis and he did. They listened for a change. In your favor was the fact that they know who you are because of past orders. This always helps. New guys unknown to the kamis often have to take a back seat.

For anybody interested in special orders it pays to have your picture with name on it on the kamis' customer bulletin board.
Tio Bill " gung hei fai choy" may you make lot's of money this year. The Cold Steel Desperado has the same blade design >coincidence was going through my collection the other night was going to Post< you can check www.ColdSteel.com and HOLD on to your Wallet's check out WWW.Vailantco.com ...I won't say anything more till you guy's see the site!!!he he:cool:
The first link worked, second one no. First time I've ever been to the CS site. Didn't look at anything. Too busy.
Does Yvsa have a picture on the customer bulletin board?
Have you heard anything on the "Cherokee Rose"?:confused:
He does -- in his Dance outfit, I think. They think he looks like a Tibetan so he gets special treatment but they will probably improve on the Cherokee Rose just because of that. They know more about making knives than anybody anywhere -- even Bro.
... your special order UBE is in the air ...

Pakcik Bill - Thank you so much. Few weeks ago while cleaning my Khuks my youngest son (ie. aged 14+) asked me about purchasing models of Khukuri other than those I already have in my collection. I told him that insyaa-Allaah it will be coming very soon! Alhamdu-li-(A)llaah this UBE will be the surprise for him.

Akabu - those knives made by Valiant are called Kujang - long time ago it was used by Sundanese (ie. not a Javanese) at Central and West Java for agricultural purpose - meanwhile they used Kujang for weapon as well - after sometimes it was no longer in use either as agricultural tool or as weapon any longer - then it was only use as a sort of spiritual symbol in traditional ceremony. Now in Central & West Java it is just a cultural symbol - it is no longer use either as agricultural tool or as weapon or as ceremonial item - and I guess Kujang has quite a different shape and specs from UBE ... just my 1/2 cent!
Bandit - My "standard" UBE has a 12" blade. The handle, between the bolster and buttcap (wood only) measures 5". The circumference (between the bolster and ring) is also 5", but it is a heavily relief-carved handle, so this may not be "spec". The knife handles like a heavy Bowie. As a weapon, it thrusts well. The belly is deep enough for dramatic slicing and draw cuts, and it will chop almost as well as some Khuks, even with its' straighter blade. The balance is 1 1/2" ahead of the cho, and once you are used to it, your "feel" is focused on the belly of the blade. If you are not concerned with the weight, for carry purposes, this is a 10 guage among BB guns :D
Re Valiant Co:

Maybe worth a look in the "world" section.

Some khukuri-look-alikes there are pretty durn close. Some even have the cho. One looks a lot like the old double-fullered one recently modeled.
None of them seem to quite pull it altogether to my eye though.
Thank you for all the help. I am currently working on scraping the necessary money together, and once that is done I will be set!