Upgraded Sebenzas


Gold Member
Oct 5, 1998
I have a large decorated Sebenza...this one:

She was born in 97'. I have heard that since...their have been a few changes such as, lock modification, ceramic ball change from 440C, and BG-42 heat treat changes.

Well, of course this makes me wish that my 'Sebbie was all decked out with the latest technology. Should I just forget about it and keep enjoying my Sebenza? I am REAL picky when it comes to knives...that's why I bought this one, but I am worried about ball detent wear, and blade edge problems. Should I be? How long do you expect my old 440C ball bearing to last me? I know you'll cover any problems I have, but does it really look like I can life without this beauty for more than a day or 2? The changes are of course, for the better, but have their been any consistant problems with the older Sebenzas? I know...forget about it Jackal...you're Sebbie is juuuuust fine.


P.S. I noticed that the clip side of the ti. slab seems a little nicer than the ones I've seen on my 99 models. Was that changed as well?

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

[This message has been edited by Jackyl (edited 15 October 1999).]
Jackyl, your Sebenza is just fine.

If I recall correctly, you had a small plain, right? Then you traded for a Large Plain (or was it the other way around?) I thought you were selling that to buy a wood inlay Sebenza, and then you turned around and got the large Decorated.

Are you looking to trade for a Tanto Sebenza yet?

Of course, who am I to talk? I have ended up with more than I could possibly leave to my progeny because of the same curiosity.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA

Hahaha...half the time I don't know what the hell I'm doing myself.
Yes, I had a small...like 2 days later I traded for a large plain. I sold that to finance my large decorated "space theme" inlay, but the wait was too lond, so I stumbled onto this one and a few mins. later...it's on it's way to my house.
I love this baby and hope I can hang onto it. (I hope.) I'll always have at least one.

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

Just because we keep on making minor improvements and changes with our knives does not mean that what we did before was not good! There is no reason why a small decorated Sebenza made two years ago will notlast as long as one made now. The 440C ball bearing is very good and durable, and it would make more sense to take an approach of "cross that bridge when you (if you) get there" in terms of wear of the ball or any other part. This Sebenza will have a BG42 blade - we have not made any significant changes to our heat treatment process since we began using BG42.

Hang on to it and enjoy it!!

