Was unable to post before the lock -- new thread

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Integrity First.

First core value, it's been pounded into my head for years.

Those you choose to do business with can sometimes say a lot about you.
Those you choose not to do business with often says a lot more.;)
Bushman5, thanks to your extra large picture, I have to scroll back and forth in order to read this thread. It's a pain in the ass. Resize the picture then you can go play outside.
Bushman5, thanks to your extra large picture, I have to scroll back and forth in order to read this thread. It's a pain in the ass. Resize the picture then you can go play outside.

huh? its only 800 x 600 :eek:

EDIT: oh crap, just viewed it on my GF's computer....sorry man.......OOPS!

gimmie minute.....
Rather than posting personal information, wouldn't you rather go see the man face to face? I would think that a person that can handle themselves in hostile environments would do exactly that RYP.

BTW-Go Steelers!
Here's an interesting article I found on the internet. I think if any of you guys buying his knives support our military, you should know the how RYP supports them. No way I would ever buy one of this guy's knives, no matter if they were the most badass knife on the market, which I don't feel. Plus, the cheezy graphic on the blade really knocks the badassness IMHO.

The Soldier's Perspective said:


Robert Young Pelton is a self-described adventurer and writer. He recently ventured into Afghanistan and somehow got an embed with American troops documenting the "absurd tale" of our mission there.

On he website he flaunts that he was the only one left standing after many of these adventures, probably as a result of some "me first" selfishness in survivability. He's taken on Chechnya, Liberia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now the milblogging community – even to the point of threats of lawsuits. Well, Mr. Pelton, here's another target for you.

In his recent Men's Journal smear piece, Pelton laces our Soldiers with all sorts of smears, opening his hit piece by comparing Soldiers to space aliens. The article is about the new human terrain teams (HTT) in Afghanistan. It's sort of a hybrid of combining civil anthropology and military missions to better understand the nature of fighting (and living) in Afghanistan. Pelton refers to the Soldiers as "eggheads" in his smear.

The problem with Pelton is that he's a militarily ignorant writer. He doesn't understand the nature of how we operate and that fact is front and center in his writing. He compares our regulations to something the Taliban would be jealous of. He describes the Soldiers as the "dominant tribe" on the FOB and having "bad haircuts" with their "guns[sic] banging against their butts".

Pelton obviously has a lot of disdain for American troops. What do you expect from a liberal, I guess? His thinking process is that our troops are responsible for all the violence and not the other way around. His "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" (not one of his quotes) philosophy is sickening. Reading his article, it's amazing there are even enough people intelligent enough to understand him when he talks! All his examples make our military look like an aimless conglomerate of lost souls.

The milblogs have picked up on his snarky descriptions of our mission as "f***-you occupation parades" and we aren't happy about it. The pitchfork brigade is in full swing, starting with Old Blue. HTT members have contacted us about the piece he's written to try and tell their side of the story and Pelton's misrepresentations (more to follow).

The Army has written a post calling Pelton's actions unprofessional. Pelton published information that he agreed not to after being told the information was "off the record". To get around this, Pelton asked someone else about the individual ON THE RECORD, knowing that the information wasn't meant for public consumption. Very unprofessional indeed. Though I guess you shouldn't expect more from him. He denigrated one of the senior officers by referring to him only as FUBAR, for a t-shirt he was seen wearing – an Army joke that he wouldn't understand having no idea how the military works or about our inner sense of humor.

Pelton seems to think that everyone is upset because he highlighted perceived problems with an Army system. Quite the contrary. Pelton could have easily told the story and not denigrated the cast of it. He intentionally added in details with to make the military look foolish AND dumb. We all know how stupid some leadership and individuals can be, but to make them look like fools in the public arena was uncalled for.

He tries to convince us that a member of a THT doesn't know he's a member of a THT. His failure to correctly transcribe events is obvious. I mean, hell, I was on a THT. I don't think I'd ever refer to it as an HTT. It rolls of the tongue differently, it means something completely different. He only fools the fools reading his article that have no idea what the military is about when he tries to convince us that a person doesn't know what kind of team they are on. Come on! Really?! Or it could just be that he's making the whole thing up. Given the quality of his writing and obvious feelings about the troops and our mission, it isn't that far-fetched.

Pelton is a smear artist and should be banned from all future military embeds. He has no interest in journalistic integrity. He doesn't care to tell the Soldier's story unless that story makes us look bad.

You take on Old Blue and you take us all on!
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I believe all that info was public information posted by Rev. We should all be careful what we put on the internet.

Where was Ren's wifes info posted here on BF. Find the thread or stop posting before you know all the facts. Thanks!! :thumbup:

So that excuses Ren's wife's personal info as well as place of employment being posted? Please.:rolleyes:

Not excusing it....just saying. We should be careful what everyone has access to.
Not excusing it....just saying. We should be careful what everyone has access to.

We have rules here. Family is off limits. Period.
Mr. Pelton seems to have forgotten that.
For the record, Ren posted his info on the internet, not me.
It's a matter of intent. The Ku Klux Klan can easily find out where I live and where my family members live; it's not a secret. If they burn a cross on their lawn that's freedom of expression. If they burn a cross on my lawn that's a criminal threat and they don't get to go to jail unless they escape from my property alive. If they burn a cross on my daughter's lawn they better pray they can get themselves safely to jail fast enough.
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