Was wondering if we could get a forum knife?


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2009
Think it would be cool to get a benchmade forum knife this year. Any chance in that?
That's a good idea, but you guys have no idea what it took to get this past year's Forum Rift into production. Selling 300 of them in basically Gold Class status was a LOT of work, and with much thanks to MCM, Trailboss, and Benchmade. Small numbers of the knives are still in the 'flow' out there, you might want to take a look to see what I mean about coolness. :cool:
PS, most of you have seen these, but the photos give an idea how nice these are:


Sorry, Joe, and I hate to disagree with you, but those photos don't really give an idea how nices those are.

They are much, much nicer and really have to be held to be appreciated. :) Your reference to Gold Class was just about right on. :thumbup:

PS, most of you have seen these, but the photos give an idea how nice these are:


I cannot commit to anything at this time but I like the idea of a 1 year anniversary. I will work on getting some internal buzz about it.
Definitely love the idea of a forum knife. The BM forum Rift was such a beautiful knife, and it is easily one of my top 5 knives. More knives of that quality would be fantastic.
Definitely love the idea of a forum knife. The BM forum Rift was such a beautiful knife, and it is easily one of my top 5 knives. More knives of that quality would be fantastic.

I'm not usually much of a CF fan, but scales like those on a Contego would be sweet.
A forum knife would be sweet. I'll take out a loan if I have to for one. :D haha.
I think this would be the perfect opportunity to do a Mini AFCK Axis in M390!
Think it would be cool to get a benchmade forum knife this year. Any chance in that?
It took 10 years to get another Forum Knife over on their own forum. Granted, it was a Gold Class knife and a non-Gold Class price, and was awesome, but it took a lot of work. Getting a forum knife over here in less than a year seems far fetched. Hopefully a 1-year anniversary of the subforum, though.

I think this would be the perfect opportunity to do a Mini AFCK Axis in M390!
Only if it was to hit regular production first. They aren't going to R&D that just for a limited run.
Agreed, Neuron, however, they could kick off the regular production of a mini-AFCK Axis with a limited run forum knife for us. I would sell all my Benchmades except my 812s-LH for that one!
I really wish I would have known about that BM Forum Rift before, I'm really wanting one of those at the moment!

As far as a forum knife for us, I'm liking that idea too. Since it sounds like a very large undertaking I'd propose sticking with one of BM's most popular models to create the broadest appeal and make selling them a bit easier. I'd like to see a full size Ritter Grip with a hand-rubbed blade in M390 or something similar. I'm a sucker for blue twill scales, so that would be my first choice, but I realize that something like CF or G10 would have more mass appeal. Stick a deep carry clip from a Contego (hand-rubbed finish as well) on there and you'd have my ideal Griptillian. Don't forget to drill it for tip-up carry on both sides.
I'd like to see a full size Ritter Grip with a hand-rubbed blade in M390 or something similar...something like CF or G10...a deep carry clip...and you'd have my ideal Griptillian.

I second that! We're getting way ahead of ourselves but it sure is fun to think about.