Way off topic -- I meet an old friend who is only six months old.

Mar 5, 1999
Let me preface this post by saying a couple of things -- first, it's way off topic but for some reason I feel compelled to share it.

Second, it is the belief system of Sherpa style Buddhists of which I am one that we never meet a stranger. Every encounter is based on a past life experience. Based on past karma this can be either good or bad.

The other day at the dentist's office I'd done the misery and came out to the reception area to settle up and schedule the next round of misery.

There were 5 people in the waiting area. One was a mother with a perhaps six month old baby. When the baby saw me and made eye contact it went crazy. He started jumping, struggling, squealing, raising a never ending bunch of real hell. He extended his arms toward me and kept up the heavy duty fuss.

This went on all the while I was getting my business done. Once finished I walked over to the baby and he got even crazier. The waiting patients were obviously surprised at the kid's behavior and the mother said, "I don't know what's got into him. He never acts like this."

I said, "Can I hold him for a minute?"

Mom said, "Sure." So, up came the baby.

This kid mauled me. About like a lonesome puppy that's been home alone all day long and you walk in. The kid grabbed me by the ear and hair and tried to kiss me but was just gumming my face pretty good. Hugging, kissing, wildly happy, making lots of noises that baby's make. Never broke eye contact and was trying his best to tell me something.

Why? I'm a stranger and kids, especially babies, don't like me much. I think it's my deep voice and my "don't give me any BS" attitude that turns them off. But this kid just bypassed all this and went straight to the heart.

Now the kicker. As I tell Rusty and all my pals -- this is my own philosophy and for amusement only. I think this kid was an old friend from a past life, maybe even a relative, and he was trying to tell me this. "I may see you only this once in this life but I want you to know how much I value you. I've seen you before many times and I'll see you again many times -- maybe only once in this life but I want you to know I love you. I had to get this done one way or the other."

So, I told the kid, "I love you, too" and handed him back to his mother.

Everybody in the office watched this encounter in amazement but it seemed a very natural meeting to me. And, I'll never forget that kid -- just as I never forget any other old friend.
What a interesting life philosophy. Maybe that is why some people seem like old friends when you meet them for the first time. Thoughts like that make me want to learn more about other ways of life and reasoning. Life is so short and there is so much left to try to grasp and understand. That is a great story Uncle. Makes me stop and think!
What a interesting life philosophy. Maybe that is why some people seem like old friends when you meet them for the first time. Thoughts like that make me want to learn more about other ways of life and reasoning. Life is so short and there is so much left to try to grasp and understand. That is a great story Uncle. Makes me stop and think!

I was going to reply, but this covers it perfectly for me:)

Thanks for sharing Uncle, I learn alot from your OT posts and hope you don't stop posting them.
I made a mistake. I rethought this post and it's got everything to do with khukuris so it is not off topic at all.
Golly Uncle, That was a really neat experience. If you think its appropriate I can post the LDS version of things. It very closely paralells the Bhudist
what the kid was trying to say was, "I really love that Malla."

That's a great story. I've never had anything remotely that good happen at the dentist's.
I've read the Book of Mormon, Foxy, and tend to agree with you. You are welcome to post the LDS version if you like. After all, it's got everything to do with khukuris.
I think you are right Uncle Bill! I have had a few encounters like this also in the past! It is truley one of the great things that can happen in life. Thanks for sharing this with us and your right, it does have everything to do with khukuris! See ya in the next!:)
If anybody can offer another explanation I'd really like to hear it. I'm a pretty free thinker.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
If anybody can offer another explanation I'd really like to hear it. I'm a pretty free thinker.

That's quite a story Uncle Bill. Being a 'cognitive scientist', I often have to hold 'professional' views and 'personal' views. So, personally I think that past-life experience seems to be the only logical explanation for that sort of recognition and attempt to communication--and that's part of my own personal belief system in any case. And 'scientifically', I can't think of any reason for that sort of behaviour, if, indeed, it was out of character as the parents said.

Actually, Hindu/Buddhist philosophy doesn't seem to me to be at odds with modern Western scientific thought in many cases. Take re-incarnation. In modern science we know that 'matter is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed'. If there is such a thing as 'spirit', why should it behave differently? Perhaps it does, but the default hypothesis would be that it would exhibit many of the same properties as matter.

And the Hindu 'stories' of creation of the earth and solar system, &c. also fit in with modern scientific theories of creation, for the most part.

cheers, B.
What's really freaky is how a "Day of Brahma" in old Sanskrit scriptures -- the life cycle of a world/universe -- is ~4.2 billion years, very close to the estimated ~4.6 billion calculated by astrophysicists. Not saying that proves anything; it's just freaky.
:eek: :confused:

Uncle Bill,

I wish I had those kinds of encounters with attractive young ladies. :eek:
Thank you for this post, Uncle.
Enlightening, to say the least.
And yes, it's got everything to do with khukuries.

--Mike L.
Isn't the same thing true of energy? Can't create, destroy, only transform. And when we break it all down to the smallest common denominator everything is energy.
Very interesting story, Uncle. It's good to remember that we can run into "old friends" like that. It makes our screw-ups in this life seem less perminant.

Originally posted by ruel

I wish I had those kinds of encounters with attractive young ladies. :eek:

Trust me Ruel, you don't!!!;)
The Mormon version goes like this: We believe that everyone lived before this Mortal life as the literal Sons and Daughters of God. We were all there together and knew each other. Some were close friends and knew each other well. When we were born a veil of forgetfulness was drawn over our minds in order for us to learn to live by faith. However, (and I 've had it happen many times myself) we sometimes meet people that we can remember meeting yet they seem so familiar and we are sure that we have known them before.

Absolutely preposterous...

( so why do I keep wondering what kirilian photography of the encounter would have shown? )
This is a philosphy that I have held for a long time. I completely agree with ya. Sometimes it is that obvious.

Thanks for the post.
