Welcome (plus questions)!

Jan 24, 2012
First of all, a great big Welcome to Benchmade to Bladeforums!

I haven't kept up on Benchmade models for a while, so it will be an enjoyable, educational experience to peruse the threads in this sub-forum. I only have two Benchmades, but I do enjoy both of them, each in their own way. The first is a burgundy/black G-10 730S Elishewitz, which I purchased used off of the bay, and have used it a fair amount in my EDC rotation. The other is a safe queen, a blue 921 Switchback BNIB; I just can't bring myself to carry this one for fear of scarring up the anodization. My question is, what kind of production numbers did each of these have? Are either rare or hard-to-find? I'm not interested in selling or trading either at this time. I know that they are both special, just wondering how special. What do you Benchmade fanatics think? Thanks in advance for your help!