Welcome to BladeForums.com!

Welcome Chris, Anne, Scott and all the rest of the Chris Reeve Knives crew; we're extremely proud to have you on board!

Chris Reeve Knives symbolizes attention to detail and quality of production, taking proven designs to the limits. The combine art and technological knowhow to present the user with the finest semi-production knife they can buy.

Welcome aboard, guys, we're happy to have you and hope that we can provide you with the best we have to offer.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Yes, welcome indeed. It is good to see you here.
I think you will find a large crowd of rabid Chris Reeve fans here. Get ready to be overwhelmed with compliments, questions and comments. I for one will be among those posting frequently here(especially after I get my Sebenza)

The greatest thought that has ever entered my mind is that one day I will have to stand before a Holy God and give an account of my life.
*Daniel Webster

Rev 20:12

This will save me a lot of time now...Looking forward to your presence here.

Welcome to BladeForums!

proud to be part of the problem
Welcome Chris, Anne, Bridget, Scott and company. Great to have you here, finally.

What took you so long?!!

Nice to have most of our friends in one place.

I've not yet forgotten your kindness in ensuring that my large Sebenza and sheath reached me on my birthday last October. (Thanks to Bridget and Anne.)


Live Free or Die

Oct 14, 1998
Welcome to BladeForums!

You are a terrific addition here. I look forward to visiting your forum often!
Holy cow! I thought I was hallucinating for a second. I don't know if I missed an anouncement or what, but this makes me very happy indeed.

Glad to see you all here.
Paul Davidson
Welcome! I see it but I can't believe it! Imagine my surprise when I logged on today. Again, welcome.

(I'm saving my pennies for a Small Sebenza)

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

So good to see you here. Now we will see some traffic!

James Segura
San Francisco, CA

Welcome to the Forum! I greatly enjoyed meeting Chris when I visited and toured the shop about 5 years ago with my friend Tracey Shults. CRK is definately an asset to the knife world!

"They sicken of the calm, who know the storm."
RFrost5746@aol.com or Robert_Frost@ars.aon.com


I just received my first CRK knife last Friday. It is a MK-VI (from Chai Cutlery) and is perfect. I take it out and look at it everyday and can't wait to get into the backcountry to put it to use.
Welcome aboard to Chris, Anne, and the rest of the crew.
Looking forward to reading all the information, comments, and updates here on this forum.


(Pleased owner of Chris Reeve knives)
Welcome to my home (Bladeforums) Chris, Anne and associates.
You will find a very polite group here, and will be an asset to the forum.
I'm very enthused with your presence.
This is to cool. Glad to see you here.
Does this mean *more work* for Anne!?

Welcome CRK!


"(Those who fail to re-read are obliged to read the same story everywhere)..." -Roland Barthes
Establishing yourselves on this forum will indeed be an experience. A good one I'm sure.

Your quality and professionalism is always a welcomed presence. Sorry we missed you at Blade Show West, we had a minor emergency that precluded our being there.

John & Janet

John F Jensen
"Your Quality Distributor"
