What is your chess rating? Fav opening? Wanna play?

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
Good evening friends. I am not a good chess player, but I enjoy it very much. I like the mental exercise, and lately have been researching a bit more, and my rating on chess.com has been improving steadily this month.

There is no shortage of chess partners on chess.com, but I think it would be particularly neat if any of my bladeforums friends were to play with there as well. I usually have about a dozen games on the go, give or take, and am generally likely to accept challenges.

If there is anyone interested in chess, who wouldn't mind playing a game or three with me, my username on chess.com is David_Mary, and I would love to hear from you and I'll be happy to accept your challenge. Win or lose, I always learn. And let me know you're from BF.

Also, if you're completely new and been wanting to learn chess, I'd be happy to play an unrated game with you and explain what I can about principles and strategy in the chat. That would help you learn, and help me reinforce what I've already learned, so win, win.

Anyway to answer the questions in the title, at the moment I am really liking the modern opening, because though I am only ranked 1064 at the time of this post (in Daily, lower in blitz and rapid), I recently beat an opponent rated nearly 1300 with this opening. He and I had played 9 games at that point, and until that game he had beaten me every time.

ETA: I forgot to mention I generally play correspondence chess, with at least three days to decide a move, so there is no rush to make a move, no need to line up schedules in order to play, and lots of time to research positions and make a decision.

ETAA: I am more into rapid now, particularly 10 minutes per side.
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I haven't played chess for many years, and am not about to restart. But I have been spending plenty of time watching a YouTuber whose channel is named agadmator, although his name is Anthony. He covers a lot of games by grandmasters, and discusses reasons why their moves were good or not so good. I heartily recommend his channel. Good luck in your quest for self improvement!
Thanks! Yep, his is one of the channels I peruse.
There are a few of us from BFs over there now. But the more the merrier....
I've been following chess for years. I'm on chess.com ..I usually play the computer at INTERMEDIATE (1200) and Advanced (1500) level.
uhansen is my user name.
Watch agadmator's Chess Channel and others on utube daily.
Maybe we can play one of these days.
Edit: Like Timmy, Best to let me know first..
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I got the message. I might join. I don't have a favorite opening, I don't play much anymore.

A few years ago I was in Texas and my cousins daughter asked if I wanted to play. She was 12. I had been reading about Frederick the Great at the time, and decided to see if his oblique attack tactics could work in chess. I did win, and the whole time she was off balance. She is a better player than me now at 14, so when I go visit and play her I have to use unusual tactics to win.

I tried the Zulu tactics and that worked pretty good. Otherwise I generally lose.
I play bullet too. I like all time controls, but fast is too much fun.
Oh yeah! Sent friend request and 7 day challenge, but we can play whatever you want
Only if I can cheat. LOL! ;)

It's been about 40 years since I played a person. Back then, chess and go programs were pretty easy to beat.
I used to play a fair bit online 15+ years ago.
It may be interesting to get back into it - you may see a challenge in the near future

I've long forgotten anything past the first two moves of Queen's Gambit