What Survival Bag do you use?

FWIW, I serve with the Canadian Forces, and use it as my main SAR pack. I have been using a Falcon II for almost two years now, came from RKsoon actually, but it has performed perfectly for me.




She's been around.
Hey Fonly, stay safe brother! I recently picked up a Pygmy II and Rollypoly as a backup but found them both a bit smaller than expected so then ordered a Falcon II and Rollypoly Extreme as backup which I'm using as my EDC/BOB set up. Great bags!
How comfortable is a fully loaded Falcon II to wear while hiking all day?
Hopefully Fonly chimes in. I just got mine last Monday and haven't had a chance to really use it on any hikes, etc. I got it for the days I have to go into my office so I can carry my laptop. I'll probably use the Pygmy for light day hikes.
I want to get the Maxpedition Doppelduffel soon too. That looks like a really good travel/overnight bag.
I ask because I am looking for a do-it-all pack: day hikes, light overnights, travel, BoB, etc.

I have a preference for top loading rucksack-style packs, but the Falcon has m attention.
I've found over the years using a lot of different packs the the single shoulder strap, across the chest type packs are the most comfortable, even if the pack has a sternum strap. I've been using one of Expedition Jumbo Versi pack & there largest gear singer packs for a few years and I don't think I could get a better made, more comfortable pack.
How comfortable is a fully loaded Falcon II to wear while hiking all day?

Very much so, mainly because of the fact that you can adjust it so much to body size.

Im not a small guy, but I find in full gear and arctic conditions its at its limits in expansion, this, my two leg rigs, LBV and a few things on my belt I am more than prepared. I keep back-up gear in it, shelter, medical (CPR mask, Various meds, LOTS of dressings) Food and some signaling gear. I don't know what its sitting at for weight right now, but I will check when I get home from work, I can go over some things with it, get some more pics of how it sits, strap configurations if that would help.
Fonly, thanks for the above pics.
Whatever else you want to add would be much appreciated.
Two surplus bags. A huge Swedish rubberized and smaller U.S. I usually come home covered in mud, stink and spider webs, so surplus works for me.

^ i got one of the Swedish bags too....they rock for winter camping or wet/snowy hiking. If you close them properly they float too
I've been using the 5.11 RUSH 72... Works for me at around 2700+ ci of gear room.
Well, I got my MOLLE II Ruck in. Good LORD, that thing seems cavernous. I think it just might be a good pack for me. :D I'm quite pleased with the features. Don't know when I'll be able to actually put it to the test, though. Might have to see if I can find a buddy or two to go winter camping soon.
Well here is my MOLLE Patrol Pack. I have added a shotgun shell carrier and I ordered two grenade pouches as well. I like it, good day pack.


Well, I've just treated myself to a previously loved and well priced Kifaru Zulu, G1, with a PALS omnibelt. I just need some long side pockets for it now, and I'll be good to go. It's a terrific pack! Holds 45 litres, up to about 60 I think with the collar extended. Perfect for my few-day trips, or even single day hikes as I tend to pack a lot even then. It can be cinched down a fair bit too, to make it smaller.

Cpl Punishment is partly to blame for it. While researching it, I kept seeing his picture from here http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=639466 although I didn't know it at first as google just kept throwing up the image alone.

Anyway, while I'm waiting for a chance to get out and use it, I've been taking a few pics:



Well here is my MOLLE Patrol Pack. I have added a shotgun shell carrier and I ordered two grenade pouches as well. I like it, good day pack.


I use the same inexpensive patrol pack. No need to spend big money on this stuff. My feeling about survival kits is that they should be to some degree "disposable" or at least easily replaceable including the bag/pack and all it's contents.

My other favorite bag is a shoulder bag that was marked "Croatian Army Bread Bag". Sort of like a man-purse in woodland camo. It's a light weight sturdy cotton shoulder bag. It holds the essentials.
FWIW, I serve with the Canadian Forces, and use it as my main SAR pack. I have been using a Falcon II for almost two years now, came from RKsoon actually, but it has performed perfectly for me.

Good to see it's still going strong buddy!

I just picked up another Falcon II. I really have come to regret selling my first one off (but I'm glad to see it still getting solid use up there with Fonly :) :thumbup:). I've tried an Osprey Kestrel, Camelbak MaxGear HAWG and MULE, and a Maxped Condor II, but I've come back to the Falcon II. It's simply a great pack for the "everything in it's place" kinda guy. It's tough, well thought-out, rides well, great size for a daypack (and survival bag).

Black this time around though. I'll update my old review thread later after I've used it again for awhile.
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2 Medium and 1 Large ALICE. Never used anything else so it's what I'm used to, uncomfortable at times or not. Infinitely mod-able too.
I used to have an old US Army medic back pack but ended up selling it. I need a new one as I've been carrying all my gear in my Carhartt jacket or pockets.