Whatcha listnin to oo oo?

For those of you who like Scandinavian grinds, howza'bout a couple of Scandinavian sisters (*Klara and Johanna Soderberg) banging-out a bit of classic "Americana" sound?...

I'm not a big fan of country music but "good music, is good music."

Just saw/heard on the CBS show "Sunday Morning" that a new song was just released by Randy Travis, who suffered a heart attack in 2013 and hasn't been able to record any music since.

It's called "Where That Came From" and it was AI generated with the knowledge, support & participation of Travis.

You can read about it here: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/randy-travis-releases-ai-song-1235014871/

And, after an annoying 5 sec ad, you can listen to it here:
