Whatcha workin' on Nick???

Stump Buster

Gold Member
Nov 15, 2007
Any NEW designs?

Getting the shakes/withdrawals and need some pics of your work! :thumbup:

Hope All is Well!!!

Weird! I was just coming here to post the same thread! :thumbup: What have you been up to Nick?
I'll pile on. Come clean Nick. Just a peak?? You'll feel better that you did. :thumbup::D
Hi guys:) Things for me latley have been a bit crazy. If ya really want to know..... With my divorce coming to a close hear shortly I have been trying to find a place to live and a job. See, I work for her parents and because I am divorcing their daughter they feel it necessary to fire me.

Pretty nice of them I know. So I am faced with going full time Knife maker with no health insurance or trying to find work and stay part time. It's a very tough decission and an even tougher economy right now.

As far as knives go, I do, have a new design I have been slowly working on. Also, a Chefs Chopper for Arne in Germany:thumbup: Which will be shipping next week:thumbup: Probably Thursday.

Sorry I haven't had much time for pics:eek: and Stump Buster, I have your knife waiting for handle material dude:)

I'll get more active on here as soon as I have things settle down a touch for me.

Thanks for posting a check in on me fellas

Hang in there Nick. Been through very similar situation years ago (except for the job). It's tough. Needed help from family and friends. Had to do it for kids sake. Paid off big time long term but it didn't seem like it at the time.

I'm new here but I'm certain all of your customers are behind you %110 and understand the situtaion. Maybe the change in employment is a "blessing in disguise". Stay deidicated and positive. Give it a chance to play out.

Ah, yes, it must be an entirely different beast to have to re-establish your entire life rather than just dealing with the divorce itself. I'm young, and I can't begin to imagine the difficulties you must still be going through, but I hope the situation gets better for you sooner rather than later. The full-time or part-time decision must be a tough one indeed, I wish you the best of the luck in making it. Hang in there, Nick :thumbup:
Keep rockin' Nick. You will do awesome as a full time maker, sucks about no insurance though. Hope you can find something that gets you insured and still time to make knives. It can be a start to a great new year once you get this stuff out of the way :thumbup:
Dang!!! I had hoped things had turned a bit for the better in recent weeks. Take Care of the important things in your life first and when you're able to, grind on some steel and post some pics. I was just thinkin' about ya is all. Hope things get better soon and spend as much time with the boy as you can!!!

As far as my blade.....No Worries and No Hurry Brudda!!!

Take Care,

good to hear that you´re busy ( for me ;) )
if the things don´t change in a good way for you come over to germany. health insurance is a social standard over here :D
