What's On The Workbench

John, I'm leaving Thursday the 29th so come by just before then so you can see all my knives.

Well, I have nothing to add to this thread as I didn't work today. It was supposed to be my day off but I ended up doing house chores.
Okay here's two that I started today. Kind of a different blade shape on a Blast frame. Tomorrow morning I will heat treat.

If all goes well I'll have both knives done this weekend. One will be a linerlock and the other will be an integral bolstered framelock.
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Very nice stuff Ray. I wish I could make it out to G5. Hope you have a blast!!!
I finally got both of these knives done. They are both framelocks but one has integral bolsters.

Oh heck yeah! Magnificent work Ray! Are they coming to Las Vegas with you? I'm thinking that IBFL (or one just like it) has my name on it :).
Here's what I have going for today. These are ready for heat treat first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully be done by Friday.

Today went really smoothly. I was finished and done for the day by 3:30! Here are two more knives going to Vegas. A Blast2 framelock and a regular size Jasmine flipper with a satin finished, swedged blade.

Today went really smoothly. I was finished and done for the day by 3:30! Here are two more knives going to Vegas. A Blast2 framelock and a regular size Jasmine flipper with a satin finished, swedged blade.


What are the sizes on those two, please?
The bottom one is a regular size Jasmine with a 3 5/8" blade. The top one is a Blast2 with a 3 7/8" blade.
I was supposed to take it easy this week and just prepare for our Vegas trip but I got tired of doing nothing. I decided to work so I finished this knife. I started this knife a while back but I put it aside because it wasn't apealing to me. Now that it's done I really like it. I'm glad I decided to finish it!
